Tool assembled from a few different packages to quickly search pdfs files It will:
- Scan a directory for pdf, text or image files
- Keep a cache of the file contents and indexes and keep file hash to detect renamings to avoid reprocessing files (doesn't account for duplicate files)
- Extract plain text from files using
- Index extracted text
- Allow searching using meilisearch engine, can be done through:
- CLI, grep-like prompt tool
- Web interface with launched server
I wanted to search in a bunch of pdf files, quickly. I used to use pdfgrep but that was a bit slow even with the cache and the cache didn't last for long. I thought it'b be funnier to make my own tool rather than modifying pdfgrep to extend the cache lifespan.
- Remove ghost keys from index, the search should not include missing files based on the cached index.
- Also, I suggest not removing them from the text cache since they can be later used if the file is found again (related to the first point)
- The elasticlunr index hit the max callstack while being serialized. I reckon it'd hit it again evantuaally if I just try to increase the limit so that's deprecated.
- In general, I've discovered that these simple JS search engines are much less powerful than I imagined. Some use too much memory or are not flexible to be used how I wanted and don't allow or ease import/export. I reckon most of them could be useful to search simple stuff like titles and small text and/or few rows (few millions?). Some of them are very flexible in terms of search capabilities and some are very performant (supposedly). But in the end none could do what I wanted so I'll move