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By using Jinget Azure DevOps, the communication between your software application and Azure DevOps is facilitated and you can easily connect to Azure DevOps through this package.

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Jinget Azure DevOps Connector

By using Jinget Azure DevOps Connector, the communication between your software application and Azure DevOps is facilitated and you can easily connect to Azure DevOps through this package.

How to Use:

Download the package from NuGet using Package Manager: Install-Package Jinget.AzureDevOps.Connector You can also use other methods supported by NuGet. Check Here for more information.

Consuming Process APIs

Create an object from ProcessConnector class: Note that if url is not specified then will be used by default.

var connector = new ProcessConnector(pat, organization, apiVersion: "7.0");

Where pat is your Personal Access Token. organization is the name of your organization/collection. 7.0 is the Azure DevOps api version.

Get list of processes:

var result = await connector.ListAsync();

Get specific process details:

varr result = await connector.GetAsync(Guid.Parse("<process id>"));

Consuming Project APIs

Create object from ProjectConnector class: Note that if url is not specified then will be used by default.

connector = new ProjectConnector(pat, organization, apiVersion: "7.0");

Create new project: To create new project, create an object of type NewProjectModel and pass it to the CreateAsync method:

NewProjectModel newProject = new()
    name = "<project name>",
    capabilities = new NewProjectModel.Capabilities
        versioncontrol = new NewProjectModel.Versioncontrol
            sourceControlType = "Git"
        processTemplate = new NewProjectModel.Processtemplate
            templateTypeId = "b8a3a935-7e91-48b8-a94c-606d37c3e9f2"
    description = "<description>"
await connector.CreateAsync(newProject);

Get List of projects:

await connector.ListAsync();

Get first n projects:

Dictionary<string, string> urlParameters = new()
            { "$top","n"}
ProjectsListViewModel result = await connector.ListAsync(urlParameters);

Get specific project details:

await connector.GetAsync("<project name>")

Get specific projects properties: Note that to use this api, you need to pass 7.0-preview.1 as api version

await projectConnector.GetPropertiesAsync(Guid.Parse(<project id>))

Delete Specific project:

await connector.DeleteAsync(Guid.Parse(<project id>))

Consuming Team APIs

Create object from TeamConnector class: Note that if apiVersion is not specified while creating the connector, by default version 7.0-preview.3 will be selected. If url is not specified then will be used by default.

connector = new TeamConnector(pat, organization);

Get list of all teams:

await connector.GetAllTeamsAsync();

Get list of all teams in specific project:

await connector.GetTeamsAsync(Guid.Parse("<project id>"));

Get specific team details inside a specific project:

await connector.GetAsync(Guid.Parse("<project id>"), "<team name>");

Consuming WorkItem APIs

Create object from WorkItemConnector class: Note that if apiVersion is not specified while creating the connector, by default version 7.0 will be selected. If url is not specified then will be used by default.

connector = new WorkItemConnector(pat, organization, "<project name>");

Get list of work items:

GetWorkItemBatchModel request = new GetWorkItemBatchModel
            fields = new string[]
            ids = new string[] { "96", "97", "98" }
var result = await connector.ListBatchAsync<WorkItemBatchViewModel>(request);

In the above code we are going to select only System.Id, System.Title, System.WorkItemType and Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork fields.

Get list of work items using Work Item Query Language(WIQL):

string query = "SELECT System.Id, System.Title, System.WorkItemType, Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork FROM WorkItems";
await connector.ListWIQLAsync<WorkItemBatchViewModel>(query);

Create new work item:

List<NewWorkItemModel> properties = new List<NewWorkItemModel>()
	new NewWorkItemModel()
		value="<work item title>"
	new NewWorkItemModel()
		value="<work item description>"
	new NewWorkItemModel()
		value="<work item comment>"
	new NewWorkItemModel()
		value="<assign the task to specified user>"
	new NewWorkItemModel()
		value="<put the work item in given area>"
var result = await connector.CreateAsync("$<work item type>", properties);

Working with OData

Create object from ODataConnector class:

new ODataConnector(pat, "", organization, project: "<project name>")

You can pass any url which is suitable for you instead of

Get work items from one project:

var queries = new Dictionary<string, string>()
	{"$filter","WorkItemType eq 'Task' and State eq 'To Do'"},
	{"$select","WorkItemId,Title,AssignedTo,State" }
ODataResultViewModel result = await connector.QueryAsync("WorkItems", queries);

In the above code we are going to select work items which are Task and also are in To Do state. Also we are going to select only WorkItemId, Title, AssignedTo and State fields.

Get work items from one project and deserial it to custom type:

var queries = new Dictionary<string, string>()
	{"$filter","WorkItemType eq 'Task' and State eq 'To Do'"},
	{"$select","WorkItemId,Title,AssignedTo,State" }
MyCustomType result = await connector.QueryAsync<MyCustomType>("WorkItems", queries);

Get work items from multiple projects:

var otherConnector = new ODataConnector(pat, "", organization);
var queries = new Dictionary<string, string>()
	{"$filter","(Project/ProjectName eq '<project one>' or Project/ProjectName eq '<project two>') and WorkItemType eq 'Task' and State eq 'To Do'"},
	{"$select","WorkItemId,Title,AssignedTo,State" }
var result = await otherConnector.QueryAsync("WorkItems", queries);

For cross-project queries, In line 1, while creating an object of ODataConnector type project name should not specified. Also in line number 4, in $filter the desired projects are specified.

How to install

In order to install Jinget Azure DevOps Connector please refer to

Further Information

Sample codes are available via Unit Test projects which are provided beside the main source codes.

Contact Me

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By using Jinget Azure DevOps, the communication between your software application and Azure DevOps is facilitated and you can easily connect to Azure DevOps through this package.





