An Audio-Video Helper Utility Package in Python
$ pip3 install av-helper
Visit the PyPI page of the package.
>>> from av_helper import convert_video_to_audio
>>> audio_file_name = convert_video_to_audio('audio_file_in_video_format.mp4')
>>> from av_helper import merge_audio_video as merge_av
>>> output_video = merge_av(audio_file_name, 'video_file_name.mp4')
>>> from av_helper import save_audio_video_file as save_av
>>> save_av(output_video)
>>> pprint(convert_video_to_audio.__doc__)
' Convert A Video File to mp3 format\n'
' :param video_file: File Name of Video\n'
' :param start_time: Starting Time (in s) at which clipping has to do\n'
' :param video_duration: Duration wanted for audio clip\n'
' :return: File-Name of Audio File created\n'
' ')
>>> pprint(merge_av.__doc__)
' Function to merge Audio File into Video File\n'
' :param audio_file: File-Name of Audio\n'
' :param video_file: File-Name of Video\n'
' :param frame_number: Frame Number at which audio file to add in Video File\n'
' :param volume_factor: Factor by which Volume of Audio has to be modified\n'
' :return: Video Clip (with Audio merged) of type\n'
' ')