My personal fork of sermonindex downloader 2.0. Please feel free to take contributions from this repo and integrate it in the main repo.
This project is developed to provide the easy app based navigation for all sermons available on sermonindex. The goal is to aid users to cate local copy of sermons by downloading them. User has choice to download single or all sermons of a desired speaker. This app is cross platform and should work seamlessly on Windows, MAcOS and Linux (debian) without any issues.
Please have node.js installed from or your local package repo
git clone
cd SermonIndex-GUI
npm install
npm start
npx electron-packager .
npm run package-win
Under construction
!! If running debian, please put electron-installer-debian": "^3.0.0"
as a dependency in package.json
npm run package-linux
If wanting to make debian installer:
npm run create-debian-installer
- needle - to integrate sermonindex web APIs
- download - to download the media files
- electron-log - to create application logs
- electron-packager - to package the app
- electron-installer-dmg - to create installer for MacOS
- jquery - to perform DOM operations
- Sherebiah Tishbi for initial code
This project is licensed under the ISC License.
- Bro. Greg Gordon for constant support in testing and constant encouragement.
- Bro. Llewellynvdm for APIs.
- Yarusha Tishbi - my beloved wife for providing all moral support and bearing with me while I do not listen to her calls for breakfast/lunch/dinner! 😊
- Krupa Tishbi - my beloved daughter for helping me with mathematical operations, obviously I dont know how to calculate the percentage. 😊