Version 1.11
- Search is localized by indexing language based properties into language based content fields
- Stores can have different themes in front-end by adding custom css rules in folders under ~/Content/Themes/{StoreId}
- Dynamic content can have simple Razor templates.
- Operation indicator to Commerce Manager during logging in added.
- Language condition (selector) in Content Publishing configurator added.
- Order statistics recalculation and update in Dashboard.
- MVC 5.2 web api 5.2, jquery lib updated
- New design in web PI admin.
- Elastic search free text search improved
- Web API requests can execute http modules be adding forcedwebapi header
- Local time is displayed in orders and reviews lists
- SDK links to local CM installation instead of web
- Lucene search does not convert strings „1” “2”, etc to numbers
- Shipment split activity removes empty shipments
- Shipping methods are filtered by currency and jurisdiction
- Email templates are applied using correct language.
- Shipment completion sets Order totals to 0.
- Incorrectly filtered values in multi-language dictionary and multi-value property values selector.
- SDK fails to create a second project after one was created in the same VirtoCommerce Project Manager session.