Version 1.13
- Security migrated to Asp.Net Identity
- Shipping method Name can be changed from Commerce Manager
- Authorize.NET payment gateway
- New sequence service based on identity column in database
- Shipment options and Weight column to shipment
- Razor email templates
- Weight and ParentLineItemId to LineItem
- Powershell Azure now deploys site as an Azure Website instead of Service by default
- Azure Web Jobs which now can run as part of the Azure Website, eliminating Azure Scheduler Worker Role
- Language and store can be removed from seo friendly url. (By default language and store is not shown in url if - there is one language in store or one store in db)
- PropertySet for Item is made optional
- Migrated to Entity Framework 6.1.1
- Responsive template added for store demo site
- Cookies encrypted using common machine key and also cookies are compressed
- Sequence service (for tracking number generation) fixes
- Elastic search fix for trigrams filter
- Catalog property validation
- TransactionType.Capture included as final in admin
- postprocess zero payments
- Shipping method management fixes