Framework to create applications and model adapters for AI DIAL.
Applications and model adapters implemented using this framework will be compatible with AI DIAL API that was designed based on Azure OpenAI API.
Install the library using pip:
pip install aidial-sdk
The echo application example replies to the user by repeating their last message:
# Save this as
import uvicorn
from aidial_sdk import DIALApp
from aidial_sdk.chat_completion import ChatCompletion, Request, Response
# ChatCompletion is an abstract class for applications and model adapters
class EchoApplication(ChatCompletion):
async def chat_completion(
self, request: Request, response: Response
) -> None:
# Get last message (the newest) from the history
last_user_message = request.messages[-1]
# Generate response with a single choice
with response.create_single_choice() as choice:
# Fill the content of the response with the last user's content
choice.append_content(last_user_message.content or "")
# DIALApp extends FastAPI to provide a user-friendly interface for routing requests to your applications
app = DIALApp()
app.add_chat_completion("echo", EchoApplication())
# Run built app
if __name__ == "__main__":, port=5000)
Send the next request:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Api-Key: DIAL_API_KEY" \
-d '{
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Repeat me!"}]
You will see the JSON response as:
"index": 0,
"finish_reason": "stop",
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Repeat me!"
"usage": null,
"id": "d08cfda2-d7c8-476f-8b95-424195fcdafe",
"created": 1695298034,
"object": "chat.completion"
This project uses Python>=3.8 and Poetry>=1.6.1 as a dependency manager.
Check out Poetry's documentation on how to install it on your system before proceeding.
To install requirements:
poetry install
This will install all requirements for running the package, linting, formatting and tests.
The recommended IDE is VSCode. Open the project in VSCode and install the recommended extensions.
The VSCode is configured to use PEP-8 compatible formatter Black.
Alternatively you can use PyCharm.
Set-up the Black formatter for PyCharm manually or install PyCharm>=2023.2 with built-in Black support.
Variable | Default | Description |
Run the linting before committing:
make lint
To auto-fix formatting issues run:
make format
Run unit tests locally for available python versions:
make test
Run unit tests for the specific python version:
make test PYTHON=3.11
To remove the virtual environment and build artifacts run:
make clean
To build the package run:
make build
To publish the package to PyPI run:
make publish