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🌱 Twig Docs · ⚡️ Vite Docs · 📦️ WP & composer · 🟠 SB Vite · 🔶 socialbrothers/wp-twig

Getting started


  • PHP ^8.0|^8.1

    • Composer ^2.3
    • LocalWP|laravel/valet
  • NodeJS ^16.16.0

    • yarn

ℹ️ Info: Composer ^2.3 is not a hard requirement but can large differences in versions can cause issues during deployment.

⚠️ Warning: PHP 8.1 is currently unsupported by WPEngine as of 12-10-22.



# Install with
yarn add @wpbrothers/sbcli -D

# Then to init a new project
sbcli init

ℹ️ Info: Read more about setting up a new project in our gitbook documentation.

Code style, Static analysis and Formatting



A code style configuration for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer is included, defined in .php-cs-fixer.php. By default, it includes the PSR-1 and PSR-12 presets. You can customise or add rules in .php-cs-fixer.php (although following a single code style-standard is preferred).

To use php-cs-fixer without having it necessarily installed globally, a composer script command is also included to format php code using the provided config file and the vendor binary of php-cs-fixer.

To format the projects php files, run the following command in {project_root}/app/public:

# Run php-cs-fixer
composer format:php

# Run twig-cs-fixer
composer format:twig

# Run Both
composer format

ℹ️ Info is a nifty tool to compose and export a custom code style configuration.


In your project root you will find a minimal .phpstorm.neon file which is used to configure PHPStan (optional), this is used to inform PHPStan that the directory app/public should be considered the "project root".



Included with the package are a set of Unit tests using phpunit/phpunit. For ease of use a composer script command is defined to run the tests.

The default configuration will be used when using the test command, which is defined at .phpunit.xml.

Run the following command in {project_root}/app/public:

composer test

A code coverage report is generated in .cache/cov.xml.