xero-ruby SDK version 1.0 generated against OpenAPI Spec version 2.1.0
IMPORTANT: this major versioning and has breaking changes.
There is now a namespace of Accounting & Asset Models, docs, and specs:
Assets API set now supported, others coming soon: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/
Readme Updated with accurate usage:
creds = {
client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'],
client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'],
redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'],
scopes: ENV['SCOPES']
xero_client = XeroRuby::ApiClient.new(credentials: creds)
org = xero_client.accounting_api.get_organisation('your-tenant-id').organisation
assets = xero_client.asset_api.get_assets('your-tenant-id').items