A fun project which provides Complete Authentication and Registration of all users with:
The Server is made on Node.js
is used as the server framework (v4.16.0)
The database used is MongoDB
and is hosted on a MongoDB Atlas Cluster
is used as an ODM (v5.4.1)
The Front-end is made with Vanilla HTML, CSS and JS
is used for better styling of the project.
Font Awesome
for icons
and Animate.css
for animations
Many security precautions have been taken:
- bcryptjs: For secure password saving in the Database.
- csurf: For protection against CSRF attack on Forms and fetch requests.
- helmet: For protection against common Security Vulnerabilities inExpress framework.
- jsonwebtoken(JWT): For Secure Email Verification Links.
- Content Security Policy: For Secure Content Delivery from the server.
- limiter: For Limiting the access to data from a particular client (150 requests per hour).
has been integrated into the application for Secure Authentication of User Credentials over OAuth 2.0 from Google
, Facebook
, GitHub
, LinkedIn
and Local Email Verification
- connect-mongo has been used for storing users sessions into the database which is important when the application have multiple instances running in production
- Would replace with
for in-memory session storage, better performance.
- Would replace with
- nodemailer has been used for sending emails(verification emails) to the new users.
The file ./bin/config/config
exports the config object which is a cover over the .env file for better protections and encapsulation (Create a .env
file first in bin folder
the ./bin/config
directory also have the development.js
, production.js
and testing.js
files for fine tuning the config object in the respective NODE_ENV
for more info open these files and go through the comments.
For security Helmet is used with its defaults and additionally Content Security Policy
- Helmet - npm Doc
- Content Security Policy - Helmet Doc
Additionally other mechanisms are also used:-
- csurf - CSRF protection is applied to the entire project. If CSRF is to be enabled only on some routes then go to
and disable it and import./middlewares/security/csurfSetup.js
to the file where it is required. for more details refer csurf. - limiter - to block a user from accessing a route more than a given no. of time in a set duration(eg 150 requests per hour). For more details refer limiter. How to use:-
- require the limiterSetup file:
- this will return an express middleware which can be used on any route, router or on app.
- require the limiterSetup file:
The response object is gzip compressed using compression. To request for an uncompressed response use x-no-compression in the request header.
npm install
- installs all the dependenciesnpm start
- lints the server and client script, starts eslint on watch mode on server scripts and starts the project at localhost:1998 in debug mode.npm run start-w
- Restarts the server(using nodemon) on every save and lints the server and client side scripts on each save.npm run start-w-lite
- Simply restarts the server(using nodemon) on every save.npm run lint-server
- lints the server scripts (all scripts except that in node_module and public directory) once.npm run lint-client
- lints the client scripts (all scripts in the public directory) once.npm run lint-w
- starts the linter in watch mode. When called from root directory it watches the server scripts and when called in public directory it watches the client scripts.npm run localTunnel
- exposes localhost:1998 to the world wide webnpm run lt
- runsnpm start
andnpm run localTunnel
in parallel
npm run --silent <your-script>
to hide the internal logs from your terminal window.
eg:npm run --silent start-w
ornpm run --silent start-w-lite
- Use cookies securely
- Add proper Logging (Bunyan or Winston)
- Use CORS according to your project.
- CORS allows other servers and domains to access/request your content. It is restricted by default
- A possible use case could a public API project which is used by others to use your content.
- you could use cors library to implement it.