This project is depreceated. The new project already moved to
A kafka monitor and management tool and provide several functionals such as topic, consumer, offsets, lags, records trace, alerm, big screen reports and etc.
Supported on kafka version: 2.2.x and above.
Supported platform: Linux, Windows, Mac OS.
Supported JDK: jdk8+
1). install MySql 5.7 or above.2). set several environment varaibles.
a. kafka_monitor_port
b. zookeeper_connect
c. db_host
d. db_port
e. db_username
f. db_password
take an example in Linux as below:
vim /etc/profile
export kafka_monitor_port=80
export zookeeper_connect=,
export db_host=
export db_port=3306
export db_username=root
export db_password=root
3). nohup java -jar xxx.jar &
Default Account: admin
Default Password: admin
Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email: [email protected]