The QConQuantifier provides researchers with interest in targeted proteomics using quantification qconcatamers (QConcats) with an easy-to-use-all-in-one software solution as a console tool.
This project was created within the scope of the applied F# Challenge 2019.
It can be understood as an show case for the use of F# in the field of computational proteomics,
using mainly .Net technologies and libraries. (e.g. BioFSharp, BioFSharp.Mz, FSharp.Stats, Deedle and MzLite).
For detailed information giving insights in technical background, tutorials and
general information about the QConcat technlology, please see the documentation.
- The QConQuantifier library can be downloaded from github.
- To build the tool please make sure that you have installed:
- 2.1 the latest .NET Core SDK AND .NET Framework Dev Pack.
- 2.2 the fake cli via "dotnet tool install fake-cli -g", build by calling "fake build" in the root of the project. For details regarding projects based uppon the project scaffold please visit ProjectScaffold or CsbScaffold.
- Once everything is set up you can download the sample datasets and get started!