Messages that users send may be tracked by the bot, but they will not be stored in any database outside discord. The use case of message tracking is when playing a hangman game (/start), the bot will read the guess that you make in order for the bot to see if your guess is in the word, or if you guessed wrong. After the bot has figured out if your guess is right or not, the message that you send will not be tracked any further, and it is not stored in any database (outside of discord)
Some data regarding user ids may be stored in a database. This is so that we can track the amount of coins for every user. Other than the storing of user ids, we do not store any other information about users in any database outside of discord.
I hope none of you cyber-bully via the Aadit’s hangman bot (or any other way), but if any act of bullying or hurtful comments are made through or in relation to the bot, we are not responsible for it.
If any person tries to hack into the bot or attempts to steal the bot's source code and claim it as their own, they will be banned from the Aadit's Hangman Support server, blacklisted from Aadit's Hangman Bot, and publicy shamed in the server.
- This also applies for if anyone tries to crash or ratelimit the bot.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please visit https://discord.gg/CRGE5nF
BOT INVITE LINK: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=748670819156099073&scope=bot&permissions=19456