SVG2TikZ, formally known as Inkscape2TikZ ,are a set of tools for converting SVG graphics to TikZ/PGF code. This project is licensed under the GNU GPL (see the LICENSE file).
- Now images can also be exported to tikz
- Added a variable
/def /globalscale
to the output tikz document (standalone and tikz figure) /globalscale
when changed will scale the tikzfigure by transforming the vector coordinates./globalscale
when changed will scale the tikzfigure by scaling the embedded images- The path element was not exported in correct coordinates. This is fixed
- Paths can now have start and end markers. Refer to this to know supported markers
- Added an entry to specify the path to be removed from absolute paths in the images. This is useful to work in a latex project directly
MARKER_NAME_TRANSLATIONS = {'url(#CurveIn)':'Arc Barb', 'url(#CurveOut)':'Arc Barb', 'url(#StopL)':'Bar',
'url(#StopM)':'Bracket', 'url(#CurvyCross)':'Hooks', 'url(#SemiCircleIn)':'Parenthesis',
'url(#EmptyTriangleInS)':'Straight Barb', 'url(#StopS)': 'Tee Barb',
'url(#EmptyTriangleInM)':'Classical TikZ Rightarrow', 'url(#EmptyTriangleOutM)':'Classical TikZ Rightarrow',
'url(#EmptyTriangleInL)':'Computer Modern Rightarrow', 'url(#EmptyTriangleOutL)':'Computer Modern Rightarrow',
'url(#Arrow1Lstart)': 'To', 'url(#Arrow1Lend)': 'To', 'url(#DotL)': 'Circle',
'url(#DiamondL)': 'Diamond', 'url(#DotS)': 'Ellipse',
'url(#Arrow2Lstart)': 'Kite', 'url(#Arrow2Lend)': 'Kite', 'url(#Arrow2Mstart)': 'Latex',
'url(#Arrow2Mend)': 'Latex', 'url(#Arrow2Sstart)': 'Latex[round]', 'url(#Arrow2Send)': 'Latex''Latex[round]',
'url(#SquareS)':'Rectangle', 'url(#SquareL)':'Square', 'url(#TriangleInL)':'Stealth', 'url(#TriangleOutL)':'Stealth',
'url(#TriangleInS)': 'Triangle', 'url(#TriangleOutS)': 'Triangle', 'url(#DiamondM)': 'Turned Square',
'url(#DotM)': 'Circle[open]', 'url(#SquareM)': 'Square[open]', 'url(#EmptyTriangleInL)': 'Triangle[open]', 'url(#EmptyTriangleOutL)': 'Triangle[open]',
'url(#EmptyDiamondM)': 'Turned Square[open]', 'url(#Tail)': 'Rays'};
In the above key:value pairs, the left side key is the name referred to in Inkscape and the right side value is the one referred to the markers in arrows.meta
from latex
- Currently only images that are "linked" in svg are exported. Base64 embed is not yet supported so avoid choosing embed option
- Grouped elements will not work. So ungroup everything
- Transformation like rotation is not working
More documentation can be found in the docs/ directory. Also head over to wiki for some useful information when exporting your svg that contains images.