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4 Commits

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Step 1 Done in code

Step 2 Dependencies in requirements.txt file

Step 3 Docker file created and is present in the repo

Step 4 Command: docker build -t greeting-app . Output: [+] Building 204.3s (9/9) FINISHED => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 239B 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 4.5s => [internal] load build context 0.4s => => transferring context: 40.31kB 0.3s => [1/4] FROM 188.0s => => resolve 0.0s => => sha256:785ef8b9b236a5f027f33cae77513051704c0538bff455ff5548105c954c3b1c 49.56MB / 49.56MB 40.6s => => sha256:5a6dad8f55ae6c733e986316bd08205c8b2c41640bf8d08ff6e9bbcb6884304f 24.03MB / 24.03MB 40.8s => => sha256:0ad2659187130a5b7a8094996b4f240078b97be75a5395fa9869ca0a178fa676 2.01kB / 2.01kB 0.0s => => sha256:608c79ebc6d50c0de774945744542f1ac114478446b0b35ad4a15c3198743113 7.53kB / 7.53kB 0.0s => => sha256:bd36c7bfe5f4bdffcc0bbb74b0fb38feb35c286ea58b5992617fb38b0c933603 64.11MB / 64.11MB 124.0s => => sha256:9a1b705aecedc76e8bf87dfca091d7093df3f2dd4765af6c250134ce4298a584 2.14kB / 2.14kB 0.0s => => sha256:4d207285f6d296b9806bd00340437406c25207412c52fcfcbf229a5ecff7bf94 211.03MB / 211.03MB 178.2s => => extracting sha256:785ef8b9b236a5f027f33cae77513051704c0538bff455ff5548105c954c3b1c 1.9s => => sha256:9402da1694b8dae94a0cb89a2719ce24a909e809b22c31d39edee8e18b3d300b 6.39MB / 6.39MB 46.3s => => extracting sha256:5a6dad8f55ae6c733e986316bd08205c8b2c41640bf8d08ff6e9bbcb6884304f 0.7s => => sha256:9bdbf45d01af5880bbab0120b825cc0f237835fd253f54a79b396519ea250daf 19.76MB / 19.76MB 60.6s => => sha256:dd8b7ef87a9d8f73f1da40f467d7878182e591a6ab390005d401c4e59928c8e2 244B / 244B 61.7s => => sha256:4de52e7027c53cdd2ad280aed34a7fb1b8ccb8143bd1ed4678f25a4d7020b5fa 3.09MB / 3.09MB 64.4s => => extracting sha256:bd36c7bfe5f4bdffcc0bbb74b0fb38feb35c286ea58b5992617fb38b0c933603 2.6s => => extracting sha256:4d207285f6d296b9806bd00340437406c25207412c52fcfcbf229a5ecff7bf94 7.6s => => extracting sha256:9402da1694b8dae94a0cb89a2719ce24a909e809b22c31d39edee8e18b3d300b 0.3s => => extracting sha256:9bdbf45d01af5880bbab0120b825cc0f237835fd253f54a79b396519ea250daf 0.7s => => extracting sha256:dd8b7ef87a9d8f73f1da40f467d7878182e591a6ab390005d401c4e59928c8e2 0.0s => => extracting sha256:4de52e7027c53cdd2ad280aed34a7fb1b8ccb8143bd1ed4678f25a4d7020b5fa 0.3s => [2/4] ADD . /devops_assignment1_part1 0.4s => [3/4] WORKDIR /devops_assignment1_part1 0.1s => [4/4] RUN pip install -r requirements.txt 10.8s => exporting to image 0.4s => => exporting layers 0.4s => => writing image sha256:7fa46e551755f98018092650e9c6c061cffb3846ddf1949813e9480415729aff 0.0s => => naming to 0.0s

Step 5 Command: docker tag greeting-app abdul7235/greeting-app (for tagging the image)

Command: docker login -u abdul7235 Output: Password: Login Succeeded

Logging in with your password grants your terminal complete access to your account. For better security, log in with a limited-privilege personal access token. Learn more at

Command: docker push abdul7235/greeting-app

Output: Sharing the following output since terminal closed after running above command, could not copy logs

Using default tag: latest The push refers to repository [] 275b58222ead: Layer already exists 5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists 23c2b1fe1c61: Layer already exists 48091d4730a8: Layer already exists 8729b6a044ba: Layer already exists 5c0fbc8e3c3d: Layer already exists c5f1d4dd95f0: Layer already exists 6a25221bdf24: Layer already exists b578f477cd5d: Layer already exists b298f9991a11: Layer already exists c94dc8fa3d89: Layer already exists latest: digest: sha256:fec35d5a8c459753458e4dde256ec34916db42c0c3734dd3888260ba6bca691a size: 2634

Step 6 Created remote repository on GitHub.

Step 7 Created a file on local repo and pushed it on remote

Step 8 Command: git init Output: Initialized empty Git repository in D:/DevOps/devops_assignment1_part1/.git/

Command: git status Output: git status On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .gitignore Dockerfile models/ requirements.txt

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Command: git branch -M main

Command: git status Output: On branch main

Command: git remote add origin

Command: git remote show origin Output: * remote origin Fetch URL: Push URL: HEAD branch: (unknown)

Command: git add .

Command: git status Output: On branch main

No commits yet

Changes to be committed: (use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage) new file: .gitignore new file: Dockerfile new file: new file: new file: models/ new file: requirements.txt

Command: git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Command: git status

Output: On branch main Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified:

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Command: git push -u origin main Output: [main f356660] Second Commit 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

D:\DevOps\devops_assignment1_part1>git push -u origin main warning: ----------------- SECURITY WARNING ---------------- warning: | TLS certificate verification has been disabled! | warning: --------------------------------------------------- warning: HTTPS connections may not be secure. See for more information. warning: ----------------- SECURITY WARNING ---------------- warning: | TLS certificate verification has been disabled! | warning: --------------------------------------------------- warning: HTTPS connections may not be secure. See for more information. Enumerating objects: 12, done. Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done. Delta compression using up to 12 threads Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done. Writing objects: 100% (12/12), 3.39 KiB | 1.70 MiB/s, done. Total 12 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done. To

  • [new branch] main -> main branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.


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