Social network for neighborhoods for providing solutions to the inhabitants in those neighborhoods, based on the proximity and confidence. For example: exchange or loan of properties. Analogous to Peerby app (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) which enables people to borrow the things they need from their neighbours in under 30 minutes. Users post something they want to borrow, and neighbours will get a push notification to which they can respond in a single touch.
The functions to be fulfilled are:
- Social network based on proximity and confidence
- Citizen/user registers into the service
- Introduce needs or things to borrow.
- Registered users will receive a push notification based on proximity and confidence
- User who borrow has the possibility to rate the service.
A new dataset will be created with all citizen needs in time. A dashboard will show what are the most needed things, who borrows more and so on. Web programming, Cloud Computing an even recommendation engines are needed.
#Project This project is the Final Grade Project of Aitor Brazaola at University of Deusto (Spain), is developed in collaboration with DeustoTech MoreLab and integrates the WeLive Service for intelligent cities.
#Project considerations
This project and its dependencies are isolated within a virtual environment called AuzonetEnv
, to activate this VE
execute source venv/bin/activate
in source folder.
If virtualenv tools is not enabled install it via pip install virtualenv