This simple utility downloads the files from oxford online dictionary.
# To see all the features
oxpr --help
oxpr <word> # us (default), cwd=./
oxpr <word> -l gb # gb, cwd=./
oxpr <word> -o my_fav_word_output_name.mp3 # specify the output name, otherwise the remote name
oxpr <word> -d /path/to/dir/ # us, cwd=/path/to/dir
To download and play a list of words:
<words.txt | xargs -I{} oxpr -d prons/ -l gb {}
ls prons/*_gb_* | xargs -I {} bash -c 'play {} && sleep 0.5 && play {} && sleep 0.5'
Download the script (oxpr
) and put it file somewhere in path.
git clone /tmp/oxpr
cd $_
cp oxpr ~/.local/bin/ # if ~/.local/bin is in path
# or
sudo cp oxpr /usr/local/bin/ # otherwise
[ -d ~/.cache/oxpr/{us,gb} ] || mkdir ...{us,uk} # if file_present(file); -> echo file already downloaded and { 1. only play it 2. copy it from cache }
play() { mpv --no-config --really-quiet --keep-open=no --force-window=no --no-resume-playback "$1" }
read from files using
-f <filename>
/-f - (stdin)
config: either from a environment variable or from a file (if both, priority with environment?)