0.10.0 - Add Slider - Small fixes to some components
What's Changed
- [Slider#204] Colors & shapes + use cases by @LouisBorleeAdevinta in #638
- [Slider#204] Started ViewModel + Added SliderGetClosestValueUseCase by @LouisBorleeAdevinta in #639
- [Slider#204] Implementation of SliderUIControl by @LouisBorleeAdevinta in #675
- [RatingDisplay#667] SwiftUI Rating Display by @michael-zimmermann in #670
- [Fix#691] Add helper to detect changes to environment. by @michael-zimmermann in #692
- [RadioButton#690] Use disabled state. by @michael-zimmermann in #693
- [Chip#694] Use environment disabled. by @michael-zimmermann in #695
- [Demo#684] Improve testing with output console by @michael-zimmermann in #687
- [Fix#698] Tab Use environment isEnabled to detect enabled state. by @michael-zimmermann in #699
- [RadioButtonGroup#696] Use environment variable to detect if disabled. by @michael-zimmermann in #697
- [Bug#715] Fix updating disabled state when dynamic sizes change. by @michael-zimmermann in #716
- [TextField#680] Update border color when appearance changes. by @michael-zimmermann in #710
- [Checkbox#681] Fix border color update of dark/light mode. by @michael-zimmermann in #709
- [Demo#703] Logging of checkbox actions. by @michael-zimmermann in #704
- [Chip#719] Use onChange in ButtonStyle. by @michael-zimmermann in #720
- [RadioButton#723] Use onChange in ButtonStyle. by @michael-zimmermann in #724
- [Checkbox#707] Use environment isEnabled state. by @michael-zimmermann in #708
- [RadioButton#688] Don't publish value from binding. by @michael-zimmermann in #689
- [Switch#705] Use environment property. by @michael-zimmermann in #706
- [Checkbox#711] Added support for value changed to checkbox and group. by @michael-zimmermann in #712
- [Tab#717] Fix rescaling issue. by @michael-zimmermann in #718
- [Tab#713] Fix state change by @michael-zimmermann in #714
- [Checkbox#721] Use onChange in ButtonStyle. by @michael-zimmermann in #722
- [DemoApp#727] Fix constraint bug by @aycil-alican in #728
- [Switch#729] Added disabled modifier back to switch for testing. by @michael-zimmermann in #730
- [RatingInput#672] Rating Input SwiftUI by @michael-zimmermann in #673
- [Slider#204] Added snapshot tests + corrected CGColor not updating on traitCollectionDidChange + added comments on functions using CGLayers like applyShadow by @LouisBorleeAdevinta in #677
- [Wiki] Add Textlink anatomy image by @robergro in #738
- [Chip#736] Set tint adjustment mode on icon. by @michael-zimmermann in #737
- [DemoApp#650] Add list pages for all components by @aycil-alican in #700
- [DemoApp#725] Fix bugs that are on component list pages by @aycil-alican in #734
- [Demo-748] Fix alertcontroller crash on iPad by @robergro in #749
- [Checkbox#744] Fix intent initiliaze and empty text issue by @aycil-alican in #745
- [RatingDisplay#731] Added size 24px. by @michael-zimmermann in #732
- Added Slider component for UIKit and SwiftUI by @LouisBorleeAdevinta in #739
Full Changelog: 0.9.1...0.10.0