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Airwallex Login Widget


npm install @airwallex/login-widget

Get Started

Initialize the widget:

import { LoginWidget } from '@airwallex/login-widget';

// Must initialize before creating any login widgets.
// These options will apply to all the login widgets.
  // The URL of the logo to display in the login widget.
  // The recommended size of the image is 72x72 px.
  logoUrl: 'https://your_website_logo_url',
  // The environment of the widget.
  env: 'production',
  // 'en' or 'zh', these are the supported languages right now
  locale: 'en',

Create a widget instance:

import { LoginWidget } from '@airwallex/login-widget';

const loginWidget = new LoginWidget({
  // These are optional when instantiating the widget,
  // but are required before authenticating.
  // You could set them later using the widget's `update` method
  authSummaryText: 'your_auth_summary_justification_text',
  resourceId: 'the_unique_resource_id_to_be_authenticated',
  // You could also customize the labels
  labels: { emailLabel: 'User name' },
  enableDisclaimer: true,

Listen to the cancel event, so that when the user clicks the exit button, you could unmount the widget

loginWidget.on('cancel', () => {

Also remember to listen to the auth success event

loginWidget.on('auth_success', ({ signedToken }) => {
  // Do something with the token

You will have to create a mask yourself, and mount the widget on top of it:

<div class="mask">
  <div id="widget-container"></div>


For better experience mobile responsive friendly, recommend set <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> in html head.



type: (initOptions?: WidgetInitOptions) => void;

interface WidgetInitOptions {
   * The URL of the logo to display in the login widget.
   * The recommended size of the image is 72x72 px.
  logoUrl?: string | undefined;
   * The environment of the login widget
   * @default 'production'
  env?: Environment;
   * The language of the login widget.
   * @default 'en'
  locale?: Language | undefined;

type Language = 'en' | 'zh';

type Environment = 'staging' | 'demo' | 'production';


type: constructor(options?: LoginWidgetOptions);

interface LoginWidgetOptions {
  authSummaryText: string;
  resourceId: string;
  labels?: LoginWidgetOptionsLabels | undefined;

interface LoginWidgetOptionsLabels {
  authButton?: string;
  authCode?: string;
  emailLabel?: string;
  forgotPassword?: string;
  loginButton?: string;
  loginSubTitle?: string;
  loginTitle?: string;
  mfaTitle?: string;
  passwordLabel?: string;
  supportLink?: string;


LoginWidget.prototype.on('ready', () => void)

Emitted when widget is ready to use.

LoginWidget.prototype.on('cancel', () => void)

Emitted when the user clicks the exit button.

LoginWidget.prototype.on('blur', (ev: LoginWidgetFieldEvent) => void)

Emitted when the user blurs the field.

LoginWidget.prototype.on('change', (ev: LoginWidgetFieldEvent) => void)

Emitted when the user changes the value of a field.

LoginWidget.prototype.on('focus', (ev: LoginWidgetFieldEvent) => void)

Emitted when the user focuses the field.

interface LoginWidgetFiledEvent {
   * Whether the input of the field is valid.
  complete: boolean;
   * The name of the field.
  field: FieldName;

type FieldName = 'username' | 'password' | 'authcode';

LoginWidget.prototype.on('login_success', () => void)

Emitted when the user login successfully.

LoginWidget.prototype.on('auth_success', (ev: LoginWidgetAuthSuccessEvent) => void)

Emitted when authentication is successful.

interface LoginWidgetAuthSuccessEvent {
  signedToken: string;

LoginWidget.prototype.on('error', (ev: LoginWidgetErrorEvent) => void)

Emitted when error occurs.

interface LoginWidgetErrorEvent {
  errorCode: string;
  message: string;

const ERROR_CODE_MAP = {
  BAD_CREDENTIAL: 'User name or password is incorrect',
  INVALID_AUTH_CODE: 'Invalid authorization code',
  INVALID_RESOURCE_ID: 'Invalid resource ID',
  TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENABLED: 'Two-factor authentication is not enabled',
  UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'Unknown error',
  USER_AUTH_LOCKED: 'User has been locked due to multiple failed authentication attempts',
  USER_LOGIN_LOCKED: 'User has been locked due to multiple failed login attempts',


Unsubscribe the event.

type: (eventType, listenerToBeRemoved) => void;


Append the widget to the given DOM element.

If the DOM element could not be found, will throw an error.

type: (domElement: string | HTMLElement) => void;

domElement is either a CSS Selector or a DOM element.


You could also update the widget on the fly.

Every option used to initialize the widget could also be used to update the widget.

type: (options: LoginWidgetUpdateOptions) => void;

interface LoginWidgetUpdateOptions {
  authSummaryText?: string | undefined;
  resourceId?: string | undefined;
  labels?: LoginWidgetOptionsLabels | undefined;
  enableDisclaimer?: boolean | undefined;


Remove the widget from the DOM.

All event listeners will NOT be removed, they must be removed manually.

type: () => void;

The Customizable Parts

Customizable Parts in Login Page

Customizable Parts in Auth Page