- Make morgan request logger
- Make separate infra layer for http
- Make separate infra layer for persistence
- Make separate logger
- Docker setup
- Swagger API Documentation
- Make debugger and docker debugger in vscode
- Make jest testing module setup
- Make Auth Module separate
- Status Monitor: express-status-monitor
- Class Validator
- E2E API Testing SuperTest
- Class Transformer
- Middleware
- Module Alias : At last when things are more stable in term of folder refactoring
- Error Handler
- Result Class with error and response together
- Nodejs Event Dispatcher and Subscribers
- Repositories and Service Class
- Ports and Interfaces
- Repository pattern for basic crud operations -> Base repo interface
- Basic service repo for crud operations
- docsify
- Rate Limiter
- Util Classes for basic functionality
- Swagger Options with user id and auth token as separate configuration file
- Complete swagger documentation for all routes
- Validation and separate DTO for request and response
- proper naming for files and folders
- Detailer error logging
- TypeGoose
- easy-abtest
@godaddy/terminus stoppable http-graceful-shutdow
Todo: 1: Operationall and Programmer Error 2: Exit handler ///