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Akash Aggarwal edited this page Oct 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

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Base command for PlugPuppy. Press Tab on the command to see sub commands.


  1. check

  2. help --Pending

  3. update

  4. downloadSingle


Checks for updates by fetching plugin data from the known plugin resource file.


Sub command for updating plugin(s). Press Tab on the command to see sub commands.


a. all

b. allExcept --pending

c. list

d. pluginWithInfo

e. single

a. ALL

Update all the plugins who may have a possible update. It takes optional 2 parameters, safe and parallel. It is recommended that you do not use the optional parameters.


Possible values:

  • safe(DEFAULT) - Only downloads the new version of plugin(s) and deletes the old ones. Requires a server restart.

  • unsafe - Unloads, downloads, deletes old version and loads the new version of plugin(s). It is recommended that you DON'T RELOAD PLUGINS DYNAMICALLY. This has to do with how plugin creators write their code and if they properly support dynamic reloading.

  • yolo - Does everything in the unsafe way (^) with parallel execution. Yet again, this is NOT RECOMMENDED.


Possible values:

  • parallel - Performs processes, safe or unsafe, parallel with one another for each plugin. This is NOT RECOMMENDED as it may potentially slow down your server or your server may run out of resources to operate and eventually crash.

  • sequential(DEFAULT) - Performs processes, safe or unsafe, in a sequence for each plugin.


Update all the plugins who may have a possible update except the list of plugins provided.


List all the plugins who may have a possible update.


Update a single plugin by manually providing information about it. This command is used when the plugin is not listed in the known plugins resource file. This command takes 2 arguments, pluginName and resourceID.

  • You can get the pluginName using the check command which lists all the plugin names on the server. You can also use /plugins.
  • You can get the resourceID by visiting the Spigot site of the plugin. For example: insert PlugPuppy's example here


Update a single plugin by providing its name. This plugin must be listed in the known plugins resource file. This command takes 1 argument pluginName.

  • You can get the pluginName using the check command which lists all the plugin names on the server. You can also use /plugins.


Sub command for downloading single plugin. Press Tab on the command to see sub commands.