Blend text, notes, voice, gpx, and USGS quads to make an entry in the journal
strip tracks/waypoints from GPS [][Import]
change track labels
add track descriptions
change waypoint labels
add waypoint descriptions
plot tracks/waypoints on PDF [][Metadata]
change track labels
change track descriptions
change waypoint labels
change waypoint descriptions
bind track data to photographs [][Metatdata]
change track labels
change track descriptions
change waypoint labels
change waypoint descriptions
add picture description (captions)
put diary account to all of the above [][Scribe Entry]
change track labels
change track descriptions
change waypoint labels
change waypoint descriptions
change picture description (captions)
add/edit the story
- python3
- twisted
- gdal
- start tool for firing up the front-end
- invoke later (with delay) a browser connected to this front-end
- invoke cherrypy/flask to handle the web events for the front-end
- ideal workflow step 1
- build a display to connect device to input
- manipulate tracks
- change labels
- add descriptions
- manipulate waypoints
- change labels
- add descriptions
- redirect back to cover of journal
- database
- determine if it needs GIS database no, but can hook one in later if need be just to do GIS relational junk
- define storage structure
- use Python shelve
- use the md5 checksum as the keyword
- value is the type of data contained in the md5 checksum
- data is stored in wdir from the config file
- manage metadata
- ideal workflow step 2
- find Quad map(s) associated with a route, track, or waypoint
- search local db for map
- search usgs for map can only do this manually
- find waypoints that go along with track
- manually remove them
- manually add them
- Note: because it takes so long to generate the map, it will not be updated when the waypoint list changes
- change descriptions and labels for all data involved (reuse import.js?)
- find Quad map(s) associated with a route, track, or waypoint
- be able to click on map and get to gps info rather than successor/previous
- ideal workflow step 3
- add pictures from file system : in-place reference?
- correlate pictures with tracks via time
- bind all metadata annotations for scribing an entry
- ideal workflow step 2
- ideal workflow step 4
- define: an entry is one or more annotated tracks that make up a journey.
- define the language to scribe in
- markdown? markdown seems more popular than XML
- yet another markdown? hijack markdown with CSS
- xml (with schema) and CSS? Not recommended by W3
- xml (with schema) and XSLT? XML too verbose
- xml (with schema) and JavaScript? XML too verbose
- something else?