AnthroTools is a small collection of statistical tools for anthropology, for use in the statistical program R.
Currently, the AnthroTools package contains tools for:
- free-list data analysis
- triad test instrument generator and data analysis
- consensus analysis
- ...and more (currently in prep)
To install AnthroTools, run the following:
Oravecz, Z., Vandekerckhove, J., & Batchelder, W. H. (2014). Bayesian cultural consensus theory. Field Methods, 1525822X13520280.
Purzycki, B. G. (forthcoming). Ethnographic Free-List Data: Management and Analysis with Examples in R. London: Sage.
Purzycki, B. G., and Jamieson-Lane, A. (2017). AnthroTools: An R package for cross-cultural ethnographic data analysis. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(1): 51-74.
Romney, A. K., Weller, S. C., & Batchelder, W. H. (1986). Culture as consensus: A theory of culture and informant accuracy. American Anthropologist, 88(2), 313-338.
Smith, J. J., & Borgatti, S. P. (1997). Salience counts-and so does accuracy: Correcting and updating a measure for free-list-item salience. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 7(2), 208-209.
Smith, J. J., Furbee, L., Maynard, K., Quick, S., & Ross, L. (1995). Salience counts: A domain analysis of English color terms. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 5(2), 203-216.