This is a repository for an upgrade proposal for the great GGreg20_V3 and ESP32 Tasmota Firmware driver
aldweb upgrade #1:
- fix: if the native temperature sensor of the ESP32 is not shown (SetOption146 0), then the driver would fail to run, this is corrected
- fix: as explained by distrubi (iotdevicesdev#1), "the calculated dose was waaaay too low", his fix - which also softcodes the conversion factor - was integrated
- new: since CPM count is reset every 60 seconds, added a time counter, which is basically to just display the value stored in the ctr variable
aldweb upgrade #2:
- new: full rewrite of the driver, to clean and beautify code
- new: include CPM 5 minutes average
- new: include Power and CPM 1 minute averages
aldweb upgrade #3
- change: memory and code optimized
- new: 5 minutes CPM precision set to 1 digit after the decimal point
- cosmetic change: from "uSv" to "µSv"
aldweb upgrade #4
- change: calibration factor upgraded to 0.00812
- added: explanation and quick rule coding for integration between Tasmota and GMC.MAP (