- Make an archive of present ~/.vim to
then install my configuration
if [ -d ~/.vim ];then mv ~/.vim ~/vim_archive_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S);fi
git clone https://github.com/alterGNU/Vim.git ~/.vim && \
echo -e "\n" | vim -c "PlugInstall" -c "qa" > /dev/null 2>&1 # this part install plugins silently
ShortCuts | Commands | Details-Comment |
[F1] | :Header42 |
Insert header for 42 school project (see config/header42.vim) |
[F2] | :Headerstd |
Insert personnal header (see config/headerstd.vim) #TODO |
[F3] | :ListMatches() |
Custom Insert Menu (Insert matches like today , now , file.name ) that can be replace by corresponding value using `` |
[F5] | :Save&SourceFile |
If not in vimrc file, save then source file (handy for vimscript dev) |
[F8] | :TagbarToggle |
Open Tagbar plugin (windows with tags sorted) |
[Leader]+[1] | :Titre1<CR> |
Transform the line under the cursor to a title1 |
[Leader]+[2] | :Titre2<CR> |
Transform the line under the cursor to a title2 |
[Leader]+[3] | :Titre2<CR> |
Transform the line under the cursor to a title3 |
[t]+[h] | :tab help<Space> |
Open a new tab with help |
[t]+[m]+'x' | :tabm<Space> |
Move tab to 'x' (change tab order) |
[t]+[s]+'name' | :vsplit<Space> |
Open file 'name' in a new tab, splitting verticaly the actual tab |
[t]+[e]+'name' | :tabe<Space> |
Open file 'name' in a new tab |
[ctrl]+[s] | :write |
Save(write the buff to the file,even if buff empty:timestamp always update) |
[;]+[;] | :%s:::gc |
Launch Search & Replace with options:[(g ,global), (c ,ask B4 change)] |
[ctrl]+[t] | :NERDTreeToggle |
NERDTreeToggle |
[ctrl]+[f] | :NERDTreeFind |
NERDTreeFind |
[leader]+[m] | :Vman<ss curseur> |
Open a man help tab in Vsplit for the word under the cursor |
[leader]+[M] | :Vman<ss curseur> |
Open a man help tab in Hsplit for the word under the cursor |
[leader]+[CR] | :VimWikiVSplitLink |
Open vimwikileak in a VSplit new tab |
: Norminette checkingjunegunn/vim-peekaboo
: Display the registers content on sidebarmajutsushi/tagbar
: Display tags in a windows (ordered by scope)morhetz/gruvbox
: Theme & color retro groovescrooloose/nerdtree
: File system explorerscrooloose/syntastic
: Syntax checkingvim-utils/vim-man
: View man pages in vimvimwiki/vimwiki
: Personnal Wiki
├── after/
│ └── ftplugin/ # filetype config., overwrite vimrc global config.
├── autoload/ # Delay loading of plugin's code until it's actually needed
│ └── plug.vim # Plugin Manager
├── plugged/ # contains plugins folders
│ ├── gruvbox
│ ├── nerdtree
│ ├── norminette-vim
│ ├── syntastic
│ ├── vim-man
│ ├── vim-peekaboo
│ ├── vimwiki
│ └── tagbar
├── plugin/ # Folder for homemade plugins/vim extensions
│ ├── customftdetector.vim
│ ├── datediff.vim
│ ├── donator.vim
│ ├── header42.vim # Create Header for 42 school projects
│ ├── insertor.vim # Insert Templates/Skeleton-Matches-Emojis
│ ├── titleator.vim # Create title line
│ └── updator.vim
├── README.md
├── templates/ # Contains templates used by insertor.vim
│ ├── diary.txt
│ ├── examples/
│ ├── fix_it.txt
│ ├── how_to.txt
│ ├── resume.txt
│ ├── tool_index.txt
│ └── wiki_page.txt
└── vimrc