Ez-Lang is a toy programming language that transpiles Hindi-syntax code to Python, making programming more accessible and enjoyable experience.
The project features a website with an interactive playground, enabling users to write and test Ez-Lang code directly in their browser.
Hindi Syntax: Code in Hindi-like syntax, making programming accessible for Hindi-speaking learners.
Python-Based: Transpiled into Python, ensuring compatibility and leveraging Python's robustness.
Interactive Playground: Web-based environment for real-time language experimentation.
manlo x = 10 // Integer declaration
manlo name = "Ez" // String declaration
manlo is_active = True // Boolean declaration
manlo numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // List declaration
x = x + 5 // Arithmetic operations
name = name + " Language" // String concatenation
likho("Hello, World!") // Simple print
likho("Value is $x") // Variable interpolation
likho("Name is $name") // String interpolation
agar x > 5 ho_tab
likho("Greater than 5")
nahi_to_agar x == 5 ho_tab
likho("Equal to 5")
likho("Less than 5")
// Iterate through a list
manlo fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
jabtak fruit fruits me ho_tabtak
likho("Fruit: $fruit")
// Loop with numeric range
manlo n = 5
jabtak i = 1 to n ho_tabtak
likho("Current number: $i")
// Loop with exit condition
manlo counter = 0
jabtak counter < 10 ho_tabtak
likho("Counter: $counter")
counter = counter + 1
agar counter == 7 ho_tab
rukjao // Break out of loop
manlo n = 10, a = 0, b = 1
jabtak n > 0 ho_tabtak
manlo temp = a + b
a = b, b = temp
n = n - 1
manlo num = 30, is_prime = True, i = 2
jabtak i <= num / 2 ho_tabtak
agar num % i == 0 ho_tab
is_prime = False
i = i + 1
agar is_prime ho_tab
likho("$num is prime")
likho("$num is not prime")
- Frontend: React, Vite
- Backend: Python, FastAPI
- Core: Hindi-syntax transpilation
- Online Playground Available
Interactive testing at https://ezlang-beta.vercel.app/
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your feature
- Submit a pull request