The Air Quality Egg dashboard is a Ruby, Sinatra app that provides the web UI for the Air Quality Egg website.
- A working Ruby environment. The app should work in all common flavours of ruby (1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, Rubinius, jruby)
# Sample .env file
XIVELY_PRODUCT_ID: # get this by logging into and creating a product batch (Manage > Add Product Batch)
XIVELY_API_KEY: # get this by logging into and creating a master key (Settings > Master Keys > Add Master Key
AIRNOW_USER: # get this from - required for fetching EPA air quality data
AIRNOW_API_KEY: # API key from
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID: # get from or don't include and google analytics wont be used
HTTP_BASIC_USER: # username to protect some pages with
HTTP_BASIC_PASS: # password to protect some pages with
CKAN_HOST: # http://url-to-ckan.tld:port
CKAN_API_KEY: # CKAN API key for a user with the appropriate rights to data sets named below
CKAN_AQS_DATASET_ID: # URL slug of your CKAN data set (created through CKAN web GUI) for AQS data
CKAN_AQS_SITE_RESOURCE_NAME: AirNow AQS Monitoring Sites Loading
CKAN_AQS_DATA_RESOURCE_NAME: AirNow AQS Monitoring Data Loading
CKAN_AQE_DATASET_ID: # URL slug of your CKAN data set (created through CKAN web GUI) for AQE data
CKAN_AQE_SITE_RESOURCE_NAME: Air Quality Egg Sites Loading
CKAN_AQE_DATA_RESOURCE_NAME: Air Quality Egg Data Loading
CKAN_DATASET_KEYS: AQS,AQE # Needed so rb script can find CKAN* env vars
CKAN_DATASET_KEYS_SITES_JOINABLE: AQS,AQE # Needed so rb script can find CKAN* env vars
WEATHER_UNDERGROUND_API_KEY: # API key for Weather Underground
CONSTANTCONTACT_ACCESS_TOKEN: # Access token granting access to CC account
CONSTANTCONTACT_LIST_ID: # ID of contact list emails should go to
FOCUS_CITY: Louisville
FOCUS_CITY_LAT: 38.22847167526397
FOCUS_CITY_LON: -85.76099395751953
The values in this file are required to interact with Xively, but some value for each environment variable is required to boot the app locally, so initially just create the file with dummy contents. Note that this means your local app won't be able to actually interact with Xively, but you will be able to view the AQE site running locally.
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec foreman start
Visit http://localhost:4567, and you should see a version of the AQE website running locally on your machine.
bundle exec rake
foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:airnow:update # takes about 45 minutes
foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:airqualityeggs:update # takes about 10 minutes for 1,000 eggs
foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:airqualityeggs:update # takes about 10 seconds for 5 sites
heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL
heroku pg:push postgres://localhost/airquality DATABASE_URL
Be sure to restart heroku after this as the database socket connection will need to be re-initialized
# run airnow on even hours and airqualityeggs updates on odd hours
30 */2 * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:airnow:update
30 1-23/2 * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:airqualityeggs:update
# family allergy and asthma data
15 1 * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:famallergy:update
# weather underground weather station scraping
45 3 * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake ckan:wupws:update
# send daily email to subscribers at 6am each day
0 10 * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake mailer:institute_messages:daily
# check for notifcation-worthy observations
0 * * * * ec2-user source /home/ec2-user/.rvm/environments/ruby-2.0.0-p451 && cd /home/ec2-user/ && foreman run bundle exec rake mailer:institute_messages:breaking
sites_table.location_lat, sites_table.location_lon
"c0d9ab3c-91a3-4fe8-8f54-5d3009e4f01d" sites_table
INNER JOIN "d8482637-477b-4e45-a7f5-6b2ceb98c7e5" data_table ON = data_table.feed_id
LIMIT 10000
Virtual machine/AWS EC2 full image backups are always a good idea in addition to the following:
paster --plugin=ckan db dump 06292014-ckan_full_dump.sql --config=/etc/ckan/default/development.ini
paster --plugin=ckan db simple-dump-json 06292014-ckan.json --config=/etc/ckan/default/development.ini
paster --plugin=ckan db simple-dump-csv 06292014-ckan.csv --config=/etc/ckan/default/development.ini
pg_dump datastore_default -U ckan_default -W > 06292014-ckan_datastore_dump.sql -h localhost
Please see our Contributing guidelines.
Please see LICENSE for licensing details.
Please file any issues at our Github issues page. For general disussion about the project please go to the Air Quality Egg group.