Link for Problem Statement
The project makes the use of Grover's Algorithm to solve a dinner problem thrown by Frank to celebrate Alice and Bob's engagement, involving 5 friends: Alice (A), Bob (B), Charles (C), Dave (D) and Eve (E), such that:
- Alice and Bob always come (since the party is thrown for them)
- Charles comes only if Dave comes without Eve.
This problem can be represented algebraically by the equation: f = A·B·(C'+D·E') = A·B·(C'+C·D·E') = A·B·C' + A·B·C·D·E'
The set of values (A,B,C,D,E)
where the value of f
is 1 (True) satisfy the conditions and are a viable invitation condition.
To solve the problem using Quantum Computing, Grover's Algorithm is used. The quantum circuit used 5 qubits, where each qubits denotes a particular friend, in the order [Alice-Bob-Charles-Dave-Eve]
The Oracle circuit is used to invert the amplitudes of those states which satsfy the condition.
First, the states where A·B·C'
is 1 (True) are inverted. This requires a series of gates which change |C› = |0›
to |C› = -|0›
if |A› = |B› = |1›
, while no change happens if |C› = |1›
It is implemented by using and X gate on the the qubit representing C to change |0›
state to |1›
and |1›
state to |0›
, followed by a multi-controlled Z gate with A and B as controls to invert the phase if |A› = |B› = |1›
and using another X gate on C to get back to the original state with the amplitude modified accordingly. The multi-controlled Z gate is constructed by using an Hadamard gate followed by a multi-controlled Toffoli gate (with A and B) as controls.
Next, similar operations are performed to invert the states where A·B·C·D·E'
is 1 (True). This requires a series of gates which change |E› = |0›
to |E› = -|0›
if |A› = |B› = |C› = |D› = |1›
, while no change happens if |E› = |1›
It is implemented by using and X gate on the the qubit representing E to change |0›
state to |1›
and |1›
state to |0›
, followed by a multi-controlled Z gate with A, B, C and D as controls to invert the phase if |A› = |B› = |C› = |D› = |1›
and using another X gate on E to get back to the original state with the amplitude modified accordingly. The multi-controlled Z gate is constructed by using an Hadamard gate followed by a multi-controlled Toffoli gate (with A, B, C and D) as controls.
A detailed explanation of the reflector circuit can be found here
There are 5 expected solution states (4 states through the expression A·B·C'
and 1 through A·B·C·D·E'
, and these two expressions can never be satisfied simultaneously).
Time complexity of Grover's Algorithm = O(√(N/M))
where, N
= No. of input states and M
= No. of solution states
For this problem, there are 25 = 32 cases(states) possible, out of which 5 are the solutions (N = 32
and M = 5
). Thus, 2 iterations over the oracle-reflector pair is required.
Conclusively, the main quantum circuit consists of an Hadamard Gate for each qubit and the oracle and reflector circuits twice pairwise.
The final state vector is measured for each state and the state to which the system collapses is measured for a finite number of measurement shots.
The ouput consists of:
- State-Vector Table
- Occurence Statistics Table
- Probability v/s State plot