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A Twitter clone that allows users to post short messages to a public stream

Technologies used:

  • Ruby (language) on Sinatra (Web Application Framework)
  • PostgreSQL Database (using DataMapper (Object Relational Mapper (ORM) written in Ruby))
  • Tested using RSpec (behaviour-driven development framework)
  • Rake gem (to run pieces of the application in development outside of the web request/response cycle (i.e. maintenance tasks, periodic calculations, reporting in production environment))
  • Mailgun API to send password recovery tokens

Site setup:

  • Run site on local server: $ rackup

Testing setup:

  • Run RSpec tests: $ rspec

User stories:

As a new user
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter

As a new user who loves their username
So that I know my username is shared with no others
I want the sign-up protocol to only allow me to use a unique username

As a user who is ready to peep
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter

As a security conscious user
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter

As a security conscious user
So that others cannot log into my account
I want to validate the login process with a secret password

As a forgetful user
So that I can reset my password if I forget it
I want to be able to do so via a password recovery system

As a user with something to share
So that I can let people know what I am doing
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter

As a user who likes to keep up to date with others
So that I can see what others are saying
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order

As a user who likes to know who has said what
So that I can which peeps are attributed to which user
I want this information displayed alongside each peep

As a pedantic user
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made

As a sociable user
So that I can reply to other users' peeps
I want to be able to reply to their peeps

As a socially curious user
So that I can see replies to other peeps
I want to be able to view those replies with attributed user and time of reply

As a forgetful user
So that I don't accidentally reply to my own peeps
I do not want to be presented with that option

As a user without much time
So that I can see all peep info without having to be signed in
I want that to be displayed regardless of being signed in/out

As a user with an interest in other users
So that I can see a page relating solely to a particular user
I want to be able to see a page that displays their tweets alone

As a user with an interest in specific peeps
So that I can see a page relating solely to such with all associated replies
I want to be able to see a page that displays this alone and allows me to reply


  • controllers/users.rb: Alternate method for updating user data below; updates the user directly rather than current method in codebase which retrieves user from database, reassigns the attributes, and then saves the user; introduction to principle of dirty resources.
post '/users/set_new_password' do
  @password_token = params[:password_token]
  @user = User.first(password_token: @password_token)
  if @user.update(password: params[:password],
                password_confirmation: params[:password_confirmation],
                password_token: nil,
                password_token_timestamp: nil)
    flash[:notice] = 'Password has been reset'
    redirect to('/')
  else[:errors] = @user.errors.full_messages
    erb :'users/set_new_password'

Next steps:

  • Reinstate test for recovery token submission to pass Travis CI - current error reads: Failure/Error: click_button 'Email token' / RestClient::Unauthorized: / 401 Unauthorized
  • Raise error if user tries to respond to own peep (can this also be enforced at DB level?) (+ test)
  • Only display certain links ('Add Peep', 'Reply') when user is signed in (+ test)
  • Additional tests to ensure user feed page includes no other user's peeps
  • Additional tests to ensure no blank entries for: username/name/email/password/password confirmation; peeps; replies (again, can this be enforced at DB level?)
  • Deploy to Heroku


Makers Academy: Chitter Challenge brief

Makers Academy: Bookmark Manager tutorial

Database layout:

Screenshot DB Layout


Sign up

Screenshot Sign Up

Sign up errors

Screenshot Sign Up

Home page

Screenshot Home Page

Sign in

Screenshot Sign Up

Sign in errors

Screenshot Sign Up

Add new peep

Screenshot Home Page


Screenshot Home Page

User feed

Screenshot User Feed

Goodbye message

Screenshot User Feed


Twitter clone






No releases published


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  • Ruby 71.3%
  • HTML 20.9%
  • CSS 7.8%