A Twitter clone that allows users to post short messages to a public stream
- Ruby (language) on Sinatra (Web Application Framework)
- PostgreSQL Database (using DataMapper (Object Relational Mapper (ORM) written in Ruby))
- Tested using RSpec (behaviour-driven development framework)
- Rake gem (to run pieces of the application in development outside of the web request/response cycle (i.e. maintenance tasks, periodic calculations, reporting in production environment))
- Mailgun API to send password recovery tokens
- Run site on local server:
$ rackup
- Run RSpec tests:
$ rspec
As a new user
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter
As a new user who loves their username
So that I know my username is shared with no others
I want the sign-up protocol to only allow me to use a unique username
As a user who is ready to peep
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter
As a security conscious user
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter
As a security conscious user
So that others cannot log into my account
I want to validate the login process with a secret password
As a forgetful user
So that I can reset my password if I forget it
I want to be able to do so via a password recovery system
As a user with something to share
So that I can let people know what I am doing
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter
As a user who likes to keep up to date with others
So that I can see what others are saying
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order
As a user who likes to know who has said what
So that I can which peeps are attributed to which user
I want this information displayed alongside each peep
As a pedantic user
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made
As a sociable user
So that I can reply to other users' peeps
I want to be able to reply to their peeps
As a socially curious user
So that I can see replies to other peeps
I want to be able to view those replies with attributed user and time of reply
As a forgetful user
So that I don't accidentally reply to my own peeps
I do not want to be presented with that option
As a user without much time
So that I can see all peep info without having to be signed in
I want that to be displayed regardless of being signed in/out
As a user with an interest in other users
So that I can see a page relating solely to a particular user
I want to be able to see a page that displays their tweets alone
As a user with an interest in specific peeps
So that I can see a page relating solely to such with all associated replies
I want to be able to see a page that displays this alone and allows me to reply
: Alternate method for updating user data below; updates the user directly rather than current method in codebase which retrieves user from database, reassigns the attributes, and then saves the user; introduction to principle of dirty resources.
post '/users/set_new_password' do
@password_token = params[:password_token]
@user = User.first(password_token: @password_token)
if @user.update(password: params[:password],
password_confirmation: params[:password_confirmation],
password_token: nil,
password_token_timestamp: nil)
flash[:notice] = 'Password has been reset'
redirect to('/')
flash.now[:errors] = @user.errors.full_messages
erb :'users/set_new_password'
- Reinstate test for recovery token submission to pass Travis CI - current error reads:
Failure/Error: click_button 'Email token'
/401 Unauthorized
- Raise error if user tries to respond to own peep (can this also be enforced at DB level?) (+ test)
- Only display certain links ('Add Peep', 'Reply') when user is signed in (+ test)
- Additional tests to ensure user feed page includes no other user's peeps
- Additional tests to ensure no blank entries for: username/name/email/password/password confirmation; peeps; replies (again, can this be enforced at DB level?)
- Deploy to Heroku
Makers Academy: Chitter Challenge brief