This program reads from MongoDB data and prints three graphs. The data must inserted into MongoDB before executing this program.
The data can be found at: This data considers the following 5 countries of origin: Austria, Turkey, Former Yugoslavia, European Union and others.
• MongoDB 3.4
• Java 1.8
• Maven 3.2.5
Steps (commands) to get the results of the experiment:
- Build the application: mvn clean install
- Download data from
- Modify downloaded data in order to make it compatible for MongoDB: Java –jar population-origin-calculator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar –modifyCSV OOE_Bev_Herkunftsland.csv
- Start MongoDB: mongod --dbpath D:\Tools\mongo\data
- Insert data to MongoDB: mongoimport -d population -c origin --type csv --file output.csv –headerline (output.csv is the output of step 3)
- If MongoDB is started on localhost port 27017 and the database and the collection is named population and origin, you can use this command:
Java –jar population-origin-calculator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
otherwise give this parameters as input:
Java –jar population-origin-calculator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -calculateCharts localhost 27017 population origin