A collection of methods to handle HTML's SELECT elements.
bower install jquery-select-utils
Download the production version or the development version.
In your web page:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery-select-utils.min.js"></script>
jQuery(function ($) {
// Empty a select list
// Empty the list and leave a prompt
$('your-select-element').selectUtils('setEmpty', 'default prompt');
// Populate from an object list (the last argument stands for the prompt and is optional)
$('your-select-element').selectUtils('populateFromObjectList', [{id: 1, name: "Name 1"}, {id: 2, name: "Name 2"}], 'id', 'name', 'Please Select');
// Populate from an array. The array key is used for the lists value. The last argument is used in order to add an offset from the array's key.
$('your-select-element').selectUtils('populateFromArray', ["DATA 1", "DATA 2", "DATA 3", "DATA 4"], 'Please Select', 1);
MIT © Antonis Balasas