Simple console utility to manage user accounts of xray server
Supported operations: add user, remove user, get user traffic statistics (in development)
It was written in a hurry to quickly solve the problem of managing xray users, since xray does not provide a simple api for this.
Xray has grpc api, but it's difficult to use it from linux console by automation scripts.
Some peace of code related to grpc api flow was borrowed from
xray-auc [addUser|rmUser] [user_options..]
addUser add user to an inbound proxy configuration
user options:
-p --proto proxy protocol, one of: vmess, vless, trojan, shadowsocks
-e --email user email (is used as a human id)
-s --password user secret (password for shadowsocks or id for vless/vmess/trojan)
--flow flow (vless proto only)
-c --cipher cipher (shadowsocks proto only, optional)
-t --tag proxy tag
rmUser remove user from an inbound proxy configuration
user options:
-e --email user email (is used as a human id)
-t --tag proxy tag
General flags:
--version Displays the program version string.
-h --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
-a --addr xray server host and port separated with a colon
-f --file filepath to json file with array of user records in format: [ { user_options...}, .... {}]
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