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Adding OverviewMapControl

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@arnaudleclerc arnaudleclerc released this 17 Feb 11:34
· 230 commits to develop since this release

The OverviewMap control not being part of the atlas library, you need to include the js file of the scalebar into your application and reference it with a script tag on your razor page. It can be found on the GitHub repository of the overviewmap control.

For this control only, there is the possibility to update its options. The OverviewMapControl class exposes an UpdateAsync with which you can update the options of the control. The following example updates the style of the map in the overlay when the style of the map has been changed.

@page "/OverviewMap"

@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
          Controls="new Components.Controls.Control[]
              new AzureMapsControl.Components.Controls.OverviewMapControl(new Components.Controls.OverviewMapControlOptions
                  ShowToggle = true,
                  Style = new Components.Atlas.Either<Components.Controls.ControlStyle, string>(AzureMapsControl.Components.Controls.ControlStyle.Auto)
              new AzureMapsControl.Components.Controls.StyleControl(position: AzureMapsControl.Components.Controls.ControlPosition.TopRight)

@code {
    public async void OnStyleData(MapStyleDataEventArgs eventArgs)
        var overviewControl = eventArgs.Map.Controls?.OfType<AzureMapsControl.Components.Controls.OverviewMapControl>()?.FirstOrDefault();
        if(overviewControl is not null)
            await overviewControl.UpdateAsync(options => options.MapStyle = eventArgs.Style);