Turn you Sublime Text editor into a HTTP server, and serves all the open project folders, now support ST2 and ST3
When a client requests a Markdown file(.md), the server will return an Html file instead of the requested Markdown file, the Html file contains all of content of the Markdown file and will render Markdown syntax into Html syntax on the client side.
Open Tools-SublimeServer-Settings, add mime types for Markdown like below
"attempts": 5,
"autorun": false,
"interval": 500,
"": "application/octet-stream",
".c": "text/plain",
".h": "text/plain",
".markdown": "text/x-markdown; charset=UTF-8",
".md": "text/x-markdown; charset=UTF-8",
".py": "text/plain"
"port": 8080
- Add markdown support, thanks rookiecj.
- Add default stylesheet.
- Add default extension setting, thanks jdiamond.
- Fix some ST3 problems
Add Sublime Text 3 support.
- Add auto-start support, Thanks sapara.(#8)
Bug fix:
While dragging new folders to Sublime or remove folders from Sublime, SublimeServer cannot refresh it.(#4) Improvements
- Custom mime-types support.
- Disable unavailable menu items, Thanks bizoo.(#6)
Bug fix:
- Thread still alive and cannot stop.(#2)
- Move SublimeServer.sublime-settings to User folder.
SublimeServer can basically use
Know issues:
- While sublime reload plugins, last SublimeServer thread still alive and cannot stop it.(#2)
- While dragging new folders to Sublime or remove folders from Sublime, SublimeServer cannot refresh it.(#4)