Setting up the project: Export all the files in Eclipse (including referenced libararies).
Testing on browser types:
*a) For testing on Chrome: Change the String value chromePath (in file QA-Test/src/testSetup/baseSetup.java) to the path on your local machine where chromedriver.exe is located.
*b) For testing on Internet Explorer: Change the String value iePath (in file QA-Test/src/testSetup/baseSetup.java) to the path on your local machine where explorer.exe is located.
*c) For testing on Safari: Install the plugin “SafariDriver.safariextz” and enable webdriver in safari browser preferences.
Testing the script:
*a) For testing in a specified browser: change the parameter with name “browserName” (in file QA-Test/testing.xml) to “firefox”, “chrome”, “internet explorer” or “safari”.
For ex.
<parameter name="browserName" value="firefox" />
*b) Give the URL using parameter with name “webUrl” in the same file as mentioned above.
For ex.
<parameter name="webUrl" value="http://selenium.couponapitest.com/" />