- web application with url http://automationpractice.com/index.php;
- 4 test cases;
- 4 automated tests.
Project has been prepared on IntelliJ Idea. Create a project by doing a checkout of this repository.
Platform and tools information:
- OS: Windows 10 (Build 16299)
- Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge
- Frameworks/Tools: Selenium, Apache POI, TestNG, Log4j
- IDE: IntelliJ Idea Community Edition - 2018.1
- Java JDK Version: 10.0.1
- In Run > Edit Configurations, select the Test Kind as "Suite" and set the path to Testng.xml file.
- In Module settings, set the Language level to "10 - Local varibale type inference".
- In Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler, set the Project and Target Bytecode Version to "10".
- Invoke TESTNG to start test execution - Select "testng.xml" from the tree, click "Run"
- In TESTNG.xml -- Change the "parallel" attribute to "tests" for running all the tests on different browsers in parallel.
- In PageSetup.java -- Change the "invocationCount" in @Test annotation, for running the tests multiple times.