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Extension of the vSphere SDK for JavaScript


A collection of utilities that simplify the usage of the vSphere SDK for JavaScript.


The vSphere SDK for JavaScript deliverable has to be obtained from the VMware Flings website and configured as a dependency prior the use of this extension.


The project currently offers a common set of utilities which can be used with both vsphere.integrityService and vsphere.vimService.

The following sample demonstrates how an extension instance can to be obtained and used:

import * as util from "util";
import * as vsphere from "vsphere";
import * as vspherex from "vspherex";

(async (hostname, username, password) => {

  const vimService = await vsphere.vimService(hostname);
  const {
    serviceContent: {
  } = vimService;
  await vimPort.login(sessionManager, username, password, null);
  try {
    // Create an instance of the extension
    const vimEx = vspherex.vimEx(vimService);
    // Retrieve all datacenter references
    const refs = await vimEx.retrieveReferences(rootFolder,
        vimEx.entity.Datacenter, 1);
    if (refs.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("No datacenters available");
    // Retrieve all hosts placed in the first datacenter and their "vm"
    // property values
    const entities = await vimEx.retrieveEntities(refs[0],
        vimEx.entity.HostSystem, 1, "vm");
    if (entities.length === 0 || entities[0].props.vm.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("No virtual machines available");
    const ref = entities[0].props.vm[0];
    // Retrieve the power state of the virtual machine
    const powerState = await vimEx.retrieveProperty(ref,
    if (powerState === vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff ||
        powerState === vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.suspended) {
      throw new Error("The selected virtual machine is not powered on");
    // Execute power off/on tasks and wait for their completion
    await vimEx.waitForTask(await vimPort.powerOffVMTask(ref));
    await vimEx.waitForTask(await vimPort.powerOnVMTask(ref, null));
    // Retrieve more virtual machine properties
    const props = await vimEx.retrieveProperties(ref, "name",
    // Print success message
    console.log(util.format("The '%s' has been powered on %dms ago.",, - props.summary.runtime.bootTime.getTime()));
  } catch (err) {
  await vimPort.logout(sessionManager);

})("vsphere.local", "username", "password");


The project contains a number of samples which rely on TypeScript and can be executed using Node.js. The following script can be used as a shortcut for the required build and invocation steps:

npm run script -- <sample> [<args>]

An example of the above may look like one of the following:

  • npm run script -- samples/complianceStatus.js -h 'vsphere.local' -u 'username' -p 'password'
  • npm run script -- samples/createVirtualMachine.js -h 'vsphere.local' -u 'username' -p 'password' -s 'Datacenter' 'datastore1' 'test' 1 64
  • npm run script -- samples/performanceCounters.js -h 'vsphere.local' -u 'username' -p 'password' -c 'esxi.local' 'cpu.used.summation'
  • npm run script -- samples/startProgramInGuest.js -h 'vsphere.local' -u 'username' -p 'password' -g 'ubuntu-server' 'ubuntu' 'password'

All samples can be executed with optional --debug and --insecure flags.




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