Replace values in a config.js or config.json file by grunt.
grunt --conf:host.url= \
--conf:database.credentials.username=piere \
will replace the values in the config.js file:
module.exports = {
host: {
url: 'http://localhost'
database: {
credentials: {
username: 'noname',
password: 'secret'
module.exports = {
host: {
url: ''
database: {
credentials: {
username: 'piere',
password: 'quah4ies3Poo8'
This grunt task is build because configuration parameters are dynamic and will be set while ci-servers are build the projet. I always use local dev parameters inside the porojet and jenkis replace them with the correkt values for the stage and production cluster servers.
Hope it helps you too to manage your project deployments from Jenkins or any other ci-server.
Install grunt-replace-configvalues:
npm install grunt-replace-configvalues --save-dev
Than inside the Gruntfile.js:
// load the task
// configure the task
configvalues: {
options: {
src: './config.js'
// and than run the task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['configvalues']);
Multiple files are supported since Version 1.0.0:
// load the task
// configure the task
configvalues: {
options: {
src: ['./config.js', './hosts.js']
// and than run the task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['configvalues']);
You can replace json files in version 1.0.0, too:
// load the task
// configure the task
configvalues: {
options: {
src: ['./config.js', './hosts.json']
// and than run the task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['configvalues']);
If you have to set the file from the command line, you can do now with Version 1.0.0:
grunt --conf:host= --conffiles=hosts.js
Or even with a list of files:
grunt --conf:host= --conffiles=hosts.js,config.json
You can, replace a value with an array:
grunt --conf:hosts=["", ""]
- At this time, there is no way to set the config parameter inside of the Gruntfile.js. Just say --conf:key=value at an argument of the grunt command line.
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