ArdFeedback and ArdFeedback-Control are the two parts of an Extrem Device Feedback.
ArdFeedback-Control is use to send command to an Arduino depending on status of build statuses of a Jenkins or Travis. The Arduino should be connected to the computer where ArdFeedback-Control is running through serial.
ruby lib/ard_feedback.rb
- --jenkins, -j : use with jenkins status (do not use with --travis)
- --travis, -t : use with travis support (do not use with --jenkins)
- --url, -u : url to check. /api/xml for jenkins, /builds.json for travis
- --serial, -s <s> : Serial port use to communicate with arduino (default: /dev/ttyACM0)
- --refresh, -r <i>: Delay between requests to jenkins (in seconds) (default: 30)
- --help, -h : Show this message
- improve xml parsing (it may be parse up to 3 times, I could probably find better solution :)