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Tracking AWS KMS Key Policies using Amazon Quicksight


Tracking AWS KMS Key Policies using Amazon Quicksight


This code talk describes a solution for building a KMS observability platform. Resources are deployed in one of two account types:

  1. Security Observability Account - Hosts the central resources (e.g DynamoDB tables) and dashboarding
  2. Member Accounts - Hosts the resources used to enable the scanning of KMS keys and Cloudtrail to be loaded into the dashboarding

This git repository contains a services of CloudFormation scripts for deploying into these two accounts types. It consists of the following components:

1. Security Observability Account

  • security-account-dynamodb.yaml Deploys the following resources

    • Accounts DynamoDB table used to store a list of accounts for scanning
    • Last Used DynamoDB table used to store the date and time of when a KMS key was last used
    • ReadOnly DynamoDB IAM Role with a default name of ReadDynamoDB-Role
    • Write Access DynamoDB IAM role used to Put objects. Default name of putToDynamoRole
  • security-account-kmsread-lambda.yaml Deploys the following resources:

    • KMSRead Lambda. This runs from the Security Observability role. It reads the list of accounts from the accounts DynamoDB table, assumes a role into all member accounts & regions and then scans all KMS keys and policies before storing them in a CSV in S3
    • S3 Bucket used to store the CSV files
    • S3 Bucket policy allowing KMSRead Lambda to write to the bucket
    • IAM role for KMSRead Lambda. Has permissions to assume the XA-KMSRead-Role role in member accounts and read from the accounts DynamoDB table
    • EventBridge rule to trigger the Lambda on a cron schedule: every 24 hours
  • security-account-athena.yaml
    Deploys the following resources:

    • Athena workgroup
    • Requred Athena buckets
    • Associated IAM Roles for Athena
    • QuickSight IAM Role

2. Member Accounts

  • member-account-kmsread-role.yaml
    Deploys the following resources:

    • IAM role with a default name of XA-KMSRead-Role that has permissions to read KMS keys and policies. This role is assumed in all member accounts by the KMSRead Lambda function in the Security Observability account
  • member-account-lastused-lambda.yaml
    Deploys the following resources:

    • LastUsed Lambda function. Runs in member accounts and scans CloudTrail searching the event source for the last time a KMS key was used. It updates the entry for each KMS keyid found in CloudTrail in the lastUsed DynamoDB table in the Security Observability account
    • Log Group settings set to delete logs after 90 days
    • IAM Role with permissions to assume the putToDynamoRole in the Security Observability account (also has permissions to write directly to the table but not currently used as the DynamoDB table has no resource policy)
    • EventBridge rule to trigger the Lambda on a cron schedule: also every 24 hours. Should run before the KMSRead function.
  • member-account-sample-kms-keys.yaml OPTIONAL

    Deploys the following resources:

    • Two IAM Users - Alice and Bob
    • Two IAM Roles - Administrator and Developer
    • 11x different KMS keys with varying key policies
    • 5x KMS Key aliases


1. Security Observability Account

Deploy the following:

Order filename Stack / Stackset Single Region / Multi-Region
# 1 security-account-dynamodb.yaml Stack Single
# 2 security-account-kmsread-lambda.yaml Stack Single
# 3 security-account-athena.yaml Stack Single

2. All Member Accounts

Deploy the following as StackSets from your Management account / delegated CloudFormation account:

Order filename Stack / Stackset Single Region / Multi-Region
# 1 member-account-kmsread-role.yaml StackSet SINGLE e.g. us-east-1
# 2 member-account-lastused-lambda.yaml StackSet MULTI
# 3 member-account-kmsread-role.yaml Stack (to deploy in Management account) SINGLE e.g. us-east-1
# 4 member-account-lastused-lambda.yaml Stack (to deploy in Management account) MULTI
OPTIONAL! member-account-sample-kms-keys.yaml StackSet SINGLE e.g. us-east-1

3. Populate accounts DynamoDB table

The accounts DynamoDB table needs to be populated. The easiest way is to log into the Management account and run the following command:

aws organizations list-accounts --query "Accounts[?Status=='ACTIVE'].{accountId:Id, accountEmail:Email}" --output json > ~/accounts.json

Manually augment the accounts.json with the account names using the accountName key to end up with a file that looks similar to this:

        "accountId": "123456789012",
        "accountName": "Development",
        "accountEmail": "[email protected]"
        "accountId": "987654321098",
        "accountName": "SystemTest",
        "accountEmail": "[email protected]"

Add the entries using this command:

python -f <FILENAME> -t <TABLENAME> -r <REGION>


python -f accounts.json -t accounts -r us-east-1

4. Configure Quicksight Dashboard

4.1. Create the Amazon QuickSight resources

Subscribe to Amazon QuickSight
  • Sign in to your AWS account and open Amazon QuickSight from the AWS Management Console. It is located under Analytics, and you can find it by searching for "QuickSight".
  • Your AWS account number is displayed for verification purposes. Choose Sign up for QuickSight.
  • Quicksight
  • Choose Enterprise. To confirm, choose Continue. A screen titled Create your QuickSight accountappears.
  • Configure Authentication as appropriate. ‘Use IAM federated identities & QuickSight-managed users“
  • Under Account info:
    • Type in a unique account name for Amazon QuickSight. For example, use yourname-YYYYMMDD-quicksight in the QuickSight account name field. Your account name can only contain characters (A–Z and a–z), digits (0–9), and hyphens (-).
    • Type in a notification email addess in the Notification email address field. This email receives service and usage notifications.
  • Under ‘Allow access and autodiscovery for these resources’ the following should be checked: Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, IAM and Amazon Athena checkboxes are checked.
  • Click ‘Select S3 buckets’ and add the ‘kms-read-policy-XXXXXXXXXXXX-REGION’ and the bucket containing ‘kmsdashboard-athenaworkgroupbucket-XXXXXXXXXXXX-REGION’. as well as the 'kmsdashboard-athena-loggingbucket-XXXXXXXXXXX-REGION-’ Check the box to the left and also for ‘Write permission for Athena Workgroup’. Click Finish.
  • Deselect "Paginated reports"
  • Review the choices you made, then choose Finish.
  • Once the Amazon QuickSight account creation process is finished, choose Go to Amazon QuickSight to go to the Amazon QuickSight home page.

4.2 Create a new Dataset

  • Open Amazon QuickSight from the AWS Management Console. It is located under Analytics, and you can find it by searching for "QuickSight". On the left pane, choose Datasets.
  • Log in to the right region - e.g. ‘Ireland’
  • On the top right corner, choose New dataset.
  • Under the section FROM NEW DATA SOURCES, choose Athena.
  • Under Data source name, type in a name for the data source. For example, enterkmsdashboard-datasource.
  • Select Athena workgroup kmsdashboard-athena-workgroup.
  • Click Validate connection to test access.
  • Choose Create data source and wait for the popup to refresh with the new dataset.
  • Under Database: contain sets of tables., choose the database kmsdashboarddatabase
  • Under Tables: choose the data to visualise. Select the kmsdashboardtable and chooseEdit/Preview data and wait for data set to be opened.
  • In the new view, select State and change it from State to String
  • In the new view, select date and change it from a String to a Date
  • Enter a data format of yyyy-MM-dd and click Validate and then Update
  • In the bottom left, change the ‘Query mode’ from Direct query to ‘SPICE’
  • On the top right corner, save your changes with Save & Publish.
  • Then click Publish and Visualize to open the design window
  • Click Cancel on the pop-up

4.3 Visuals

Your final dashboard will look something like this:
Dashboard 1 Dashboard 2

4.3.1 Create QuickSight Analysis - Visual: Count of Records by Concern
  • (If you didn't follow the steps before, open the analysis from the Quicksight home page.)
  • Click on ‘Analyses’ → New Analysis
  • Select the ‘kmsdashboardtable’ Dataset.
  • Check the summary and then click ‘Use in analysis’ in the top right.
  • Select the visual which says "AutoGraph" on "Sheet 1".
  • On the bottom left, select as visual type Donut Chart.
  • Drag & drop the ‘concern’ field from the left Fields list into the Group/Color field on the top.
  • Make the visual wider and resize the ‘concern’ legend on the right to view the full sentences.
  • Visuals
    • In the top right of the visual, click the pencil icon to ‘format visual
    • Click Data labels and check ‘Show metric’ to enable the percentages.
  • Filter
    • Click ‘Filter' in the top left
    • Add filter and choose ‘date’
    • Click data and choose the following settings`:
    • Condition → Equals
    • Click ‘Set a rolling date, choose ’today’ and click ‘Save
  • Actions
    • Click the hamburger to the right of the pencil in the top right of the visual and choose ‘Actions’
    • Click Quick create → Filter same-sheet visuals
4.3.2 Create QuickSight Analysis - Visual: Table of accounts
  • On the top left, choose Add and select Add visual from the drop down list.
  • Shrink it down to small and move it to the right of the first visual
  • Select the new visual. On the bottom left, select Table from the Visual types
  • Choose account from the left Fields list into the Group by field on the top.
  • Actions
    • Click the hamburger to the right of the pencil in the top right of the visual and choose ‘Actions’
    • Click Quick create → Filter same-sheet visuals
4.3.3 Create QuickSight Analysis - Visual: Table of data
  • On the top left, choose Add and select Add visual from the drop down list.
  • Shrink it down to small and move it to the right of the first visual
  • Select the new visual. On the bottom left, select Table from the Visual types
  • Choose region,accountnumber,accountname,alias,keyid,creationdate,concern,sid,principal,principalservice,effect,action,resource,condition,tags,lastusedtime,lastusedaction,lastusedencryptioncontext,lastusedsourceipaddress and lastusedusername from the left Fields list into the Group by field on the top.
4.3.4 Create QuickSight Analysis - Visual: Count of Concern by Date and Concern
  • On the top left, choose Add and select Add visual from the drop down list.
  • Select the new visual. On the bottom left, select as visual type Line chart
  • Add 'date' as X axis
  • Add ‘concern' as Value and Colour.
4.3.5 Use the QuickSight Dashboards
  • Click the ‘share’ button in the top right and give your dashboard a name e.g. KMS Key Dashboard


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