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Start implementing dependent pairs that pack and unpack themselves au…
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Still to do:
  * Make sure unpacking happens after function application. It currently
    happens inside `instantiateSigma` which should be called after function
    application but currently isn't. Possibly a recent regression with the n-ary
    functions patch.
  * Allow more than one implicit argument to dependent pairs, distinguished by
  * Allow explicit packing and unpacking via named components.
  * Fix the hack where we special-case `UDecl` in `checkSigma`.
  * Deprecate the old explicit dependent pair, and perhaps even rule out
    dependency in data constructors.
  * Possibly replace some uses of `List` in the standard library with implicit
    dependent pairs.

Co-authored-by: Alexey Radul <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
dougalm and axch committed Apr 9, 2023
1 parent 4d88297 commit 485d87b
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Showing 19 changed files with 103 additions and 47 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions misc/dex.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,18 @@

(setq dex-highlights
'(("--\\([^o].*$\\|$\\)" . font-lock-comment-face)
`(("--\\([^o].*$\\|$\\)" . font-lock-comment-face)
("^> .*$" . font-lock-comment-face)
("^'\\(.\\|\n.\\)*\n\n" . font-lock-comment-face)
("\\w+:" . font-lock-comment-face)
("^:\\w*" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
("\\bdef\\b\\|\\bfor\\b\\|\\brof\\b\\|\\bcase\\b\\|\\bstruct\\b\\|\\bdata\\b\\|\\bwhere\\b\\|\\bof\\b\\|\\bif\\b\\|\\bthen\\b\\|\\belse\\b\\|\\binterface\\b\\|\\binstance\\b\\|\\bgiven\\b\\|\\bdo\\b\\|\\bview\\b\\|\\bimport\\b\\|\\bforeign\\b\\|\\bsatisfying\\b\\|\\bself\\b" .
"\\bimport\\b\\|\\bforeign\\b\\|\\bsatisfying\\b") .
("--o" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
("[-.,!;$^&*:~+/=<>|?\\\\]" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs
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Expand Up @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
EvalBinOp s -> evalOp s
DepAmpersand -> do
lhs' <- tyOptPat lhs
UDepPairTy . (UDepPairType lhs') <$> expr rhs
UDepPairTy . (UDepPairType ExplicitDepPair lhs') <$> expr rhs
DepComma -> UDepPair <$> (expr lhs) <*> expr rhs
CSEqual -> throw SyntaxErr "Equal sign must be used as a separator for labels or binders, not a standalone operator"
Colon -> throw SyntaxErr "Colon separates binders from their type annotations, is not a standalone operator.\nIf you are trying to write a dependent type, use parens: (i:Fin 4) => (..i)"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,6 +534,13 @@ expr = propagateSrcE expr' where
return $ UCase p'
[ UAlt (nsB $ UPatCon "True" Empty) c'
, UAlt (nsB $ UPatCon "False" Empty) a']
expr' (CWith lhs rhs) = do
ty <- expr lhs
case rhs of
[b] -> do
b' <- binderOptTy b
return $ UDepPairTy $ UDepPairType ImplicitDepPair b' ty
_ -> error "n-ary dependent pairs not implemented"

charExpr :: Char -> (UExpr' VoidS)
charExpr c = UPrim (UPrimCon $ Lit $ Word8Lit $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum c) []
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/Builder.hs
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Expand Up @@ -1397,14 +1397,14 @@ buildTelescopeVal xsTop tyTop = fst <$> go tyTop xsTop where
(x1, ~(xDep : rest')) <- go ty1 rest
ty2' <- applySubst (b@>SubstVal xDep) ty2
(x2, rest'') <- go ty2' rest'
let depPairTy = DepPairType b (telescopeTypeType ty2)
let depPairTy = DepPairType ExplicitDepPair b (telescopeTypeType ty2)
return (PairVal x1 (DepPair xDep x2 depPairTy), rest'')

telescopeTypeType :: TelescopeType (AtomNameC r) (Type r) n -> Type r n
telescopeTypeType (ProdTelescope tys) = ProdTy tys
telescopeTypeType (DepTelescope lhs (Abs b rhs)) = do
let lhs' = telescopeTypeType lhs
let rhs' = DepPairTy (DepPairType b (telescopeTypeType rhs))
let rhs' = DepPairTy (DepPairType ExplicitDepPair b (telescopeTypeType rhs))
PairTy lhs' rhs'

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/CheapReduction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ liftSimpAtom ty simpAtom = case simpAtom of
(BaseTy _ , Con (Lit v)) -> return $ Con $ Lit v
(ProdTy tys, Con (ProdCon xs)) -> Con . ProdCon <$> zipWithM rec tys xs
(SumTy tys, Con (SumCon _ i x)) -> Con . SumCon tys i <$> rec (tys!!i) x
(DepPairTy dpt@(DepPairType (b:>t1) t2), DepPair x1 x2 _) -> do
(DepPairTy dpt@(DepPairType _ (b:>t1) t2), DepPair x1 x2 _) -> do
x1' <- rec t1 x1
t2' <- applySubst (b@>SubstVal x1') t2
x2' <- rec t2' x2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ confuseGHC = getDistinct
-- CheapReduction and QueryType import?

depPairLeftTy :: DepPairType r n -> Type r n
depPairLeftTy (DepPairType (_:>ty) _) = ty
depPairLeftTy (DepPairType _ (_:>ty) _) = ty
{-# INLINE depPairLeftTy #-}

unwrapNewtypeType :: EnvReader m => NewtypeTyCon n -> m n (NewtypeCon n, Type CoreIR n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ makeStructRepVal tyConName args = do
_ -> return $ ProdVal args

instantiateDepPairTy :: (IRRep r, EnvReader m) => DepPairType r n -> Atom r n -> m n (Type r n)
instantiateDepPairTy (DepPairType b rhsTy) x = applyAbs (Abs b rhsTy) (SubstVal x)
instantiateDepPairTy (DepPairType _ b rhsTy) x = applyAbs (Abs b rhsTy) (SubstVal x)
{-# INLINE instantiateDepPairTy #-}

projType :: (IRRep r, EnvReader m) => Int -> Type r n -> Atom r n -> m n (Type r n)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/CheckType.hs
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Expand Up @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ instance HasType CoreIR DictExpr where
getTypeE e = dictExprType e

instance IRRep r => HasType r (DepPairType r) where
getTypeE (DepPairType b ty) = do
getTypeE (DepPairType _ b ty) = do
checkB b \_ -> ty |: TyKind
return TyKind

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ checkDataLike ty = case ty of
TabPi (TabPiType b eltTy) -> do
renameBinders b \_ ->
checkDataLike eltTy
DepPairTy (DepPairType b@(_:>l) r) -> do
DepPairTy (DepPairType _ b@(_:>l) r) -> do
recur l
renameBinders b \_ -> checkDataLike r
NewtypeTyCon LabelType -> notData
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs
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Expand Up @@ -439,6 +439,9 @@ givenClause = keyWord GivenKW >> do
(,) <$> parens (commaSep cGroup)
<*> optional (parens (commaSep cGroup))

withClause :: Parser WithClause
withClause = keyWord WithKW >> parens (commaSep cGroup)

arrowOptEffs :: Parser (Maybe CEffs)
arrowOptEffs = sym "->" >> optional cEffs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -704,6 +707,7 @@ ops =
, [symOpR ":"]
, [symOpR ",>"]
, [symOpR "&>"]
, [withClausePostfix]
, [symOpL "="]
] where
other = ("other", anySymOp)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,6 +764,13 @@ binApp :: Bin' -> SrcPos -> Group -> Group -> Group
binApp f pos x y = joinSrc3 f' x y $ CBin f' x y
where f' = WithSrc (Just pos) f

withClausePostfix :: (SourceName, Expr.Operator Parser Group)
withClausePostfix = ("with", op)
op = Expr.Postfix do
rhs <- withClause
return \lhs -> WithSrc Nothing $ CWith lhs rhs -- TODO: source info

withSrc :: Parser a -> Parser (WithSrc a)
withSrc p = do
(x, pos) <- withPos p
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/GenericTraversal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ instance GenericallyTraversableE CoreIR TyConParams where
TyConParams infs <$> mapM tge params

instance IRRep r => GenericallyTraversableE r (DepPairType r) where
traverseGenericE (DepPairType (b:>lty) rty) = do
traverseGenericE (DepPairType expl (b:>lty) rty) = do
lty' <- tge lty
withFreshBinder (getNameHint b) lty' \b' -> do
extendRenamer (b@>binderName b') $ DepPairType b' <$> tge rty
extendRenamer (b@>binderName b') $ DepPairType expl b' <$> tge rty

instance IRRep r => GenericallyTraversableE r (BaseMonoid r) where
traverseGenericE (BaseMonoid x f) = BaseMonoid <$> tge x <*> tge f
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/Imp.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ typeToTree tyTop = return $ go REmpty tyTop
BaseTy b -> Leaf $ LeafType (unRNest ctx) b
TabTy b bodyTy -> go (RNest ctx (TabCtx b)) bodyTy
RefTy _ t -> go (RNest ctx RefCtx) t
DepPairTy (DepPairType (b:>t1) (t2)) -> do
DepPairTy (DepPairType _ (b:>t1) (t2)) -> do
let tree1 = rec t1
let tree2 = go (RNest ctx (DepPairCtx (JustB (b:>t1)))) t2
Branch [tree1, tree2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ valueToTree (RepVal tyTop valTop) = do
BaseTy b -> return $ Leaf $ LeafType (unRNest ctx) b
TabTy b bodyTy -> go (RNest ctx (TabCtx b)) bodyTy val
RefTy _ t -> go (RNest ctx RefCtx) t val
DepPairTy (DepPairType (b:>t1) (t2)) -> case val of
DepPairTy (DepPairType _ (b:>t1) (t2)) -> case val of
Branch [v1, v2] -> do
case ctx of
REmpty -> do
Expand Down
53 changes: 35 additions & 18 deletions src/lib/Inference.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ hoistInfStateRec env emissions !infVars defaults !subst decls e = case emissions
-- If a variable is solved, we eliminate it.
Just bSolutionUnhoisted -> do
bSolution <-
liftHoistExcept' "Failed to eliminate solved variable in hoistInfStateRec"
$ hoist frag bSolutionUnhoisted
liftHoistExcept' "Failed to eliminate solved variable in hoistInfStateRec "
$ hoist frag bSolutionUnhoisted
case exchangeBs $ PairB b infVars of
-- This used to be accepted by the code at some point (and handled the same way
-- as the Nothing) branch above, but I don't understand why. We don't even seem
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -850,6 +850,15 @@ checkSigma hint expr sTy = confuseGHC >>= \_ -> case sTy of
_ -> Nothing
expr' <- inferWithoutInstantiation expr >>= zonk
dropSubst $ checkOrInferApp expr' explicits [] (Check resultTy)
DepPairTy depPairTy -> case depPairTy of
DepPairType ImplicitDepPair (_ :> lhsTy) _ -> do
-- TODO: check for the case that we're given some of the implicit dependent pair args explicitly
lhsVal <- Var <$> freshInferenceName MiscInfVar lhsTy
-- TODO: make an InfVarDesc case for dep pair instantiation
rhsTy <- instantiateDepPairTy depPairTy lhsVal
rhsVal <- checkSigma noHint expr rhsTy
return $ DepPair lhsVal rhsVal depPairTy
_ -> fallback
_ -> fallback
where fallback = checkOrInferRho hint expr (Check sTy)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,6 +907,8 @@ withUDecl (WithSrcB src d) cont = addSrcContext src case d of
var <- emitDecl (getNameHint p) letAnn $ Atom val
bindLetPat p var cont

-- "rho" means the required type here should not be (at the top level) an implicit pi type or
-- an implicit dependent pair type. We don't want to unify those directly.
-- The name hint names the object being computed
:: forall i o. EmitsBoth o
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,16 +950,16 @@ checkOrInferRho hint uExprWithSrc@(WithSrcE pos expr) reqTy = do
let msg = "Can't reduce type expression: " ++ docAsStr (pretty ty)
withReducibleEmissions msg $ checkUType ty
matchRequirement $ TabPi piTy
UDepPairTy (UDepPairType (UAnnBinder b ann cs) rhs) -> do
UDepPairTy (UDepPairType expl (UAnnBinder b ann cs) rhs) -> do
unless (null cs) $ throw TypeErr "Dependent pair binders shouldn't have constraints"
ann' <- checkAnn (getSourceName b) ann
matchRequirement =<< liftM DepPairTy do
buildDepPairTyInf (getNameHint b) ann' \v -> extendRenamer (b@>v) do
buildDepPairTyInf (getNameHint b) expl ann' \v -> extendRenamer (b@>v) do
let msg = "Can't reduce type expression: " ++ docAsStr (pretty rhs)
withReducibleEmissions msg $ checkUType rhs
UDepPair lhs rhs -> do
case reqTy of
Check (DepPairTy ty@(DepPairType (_ :> lhsTy) _)) -> do
Check (DepPairTy ty@(DepPairType _ (_ :> lhsTy) _)) -> do
lhs' <- checkSigmaDependent noHint lhs lhsTy
rhsTy <- instantiateDepPairTy ty lhs'
rhs' <- checkSigma noHint rhs rhsTy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1178,13 +1189,19 @@ instantiateSigma sigmaAtom = getType sigmaAtom >>= \case
Pi (CorePiType ImplicitApp bs _ resultTy) -> do
args <- inferMixedArgs @UExpr fDesc (Abs bs resultTy) [] []
applySigmaAtom sigmaAtom args
_ -> case sigmaAtom of
SigmaAtom _ x -> return x
SigmaUVar _ v -> case v of
UAtomVar v' -> return $ Var v'
_ -> applySigmaAtom sigmaAtom []
SigmaPartialApp _ _ -> error "shouldn't hit this case because we should have a pi type here"
DepPairTy (DepPairType ImplicitDepPair _ _) ->
-- TODO: we should probably call instantiateSigma again here in case
-- we have nested dependent pairs. Also, it looks like this doesn't
-- get called after function application. We probably want to fix that.
fallback >>= getSnd
_ -> fallback
fallback = case sigmaAtom of
SigmaAtom _ x -> return x
SigmaUVar _ v -> case v of
UAtomVar v' -> return $ Var v'
_ -> applySigmaAtom sigmaAtom []
SigmaPartialApp _ _ -> error "shouldn't hit this case because we should have a pi type here"
fDesc :: SourceName
fDesc = getSourceName sigmaAtom

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1388,7 +1405,7 @@ applyDataCon tc conIx topArgs = do
nargs = length args; ntys = length tys
(curArgs, remArgs) = splitAt (ntys - 1) args
DepPairTy dpt@(DepPairType b rty') -> do
DepPairTy dpt@(DepPairType _ b rty') -> do
rty'' <- applySubst (b@>SubstVal h) rty'
ans <- wrap rty'' t
return $ DepPair h ans dpt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1744,7 +1761,7 @@ dataConRepTy (Abs topBs UnitE) = case topBs of
(tailTy, tailIdxs) = go [] (ProjectProduct 1 : (depTyIdxs ++ projIdxs)) bs
idxs = (iota accSize <&> \i -> ProjectProduct i : projIdxs) ++
((ProjectProduct 0 : (depTyIdxs ++ projIdxs)) : tailIdxs)
depTy = DepPairTy $ DepPairType b tailTy
depTy = DepPairTy $ DepPairType ExplicitDepPair b tailTy

:: EmitsInf o
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3075,7 +3092,7 @@ synthDictForData dictTy@(DictType "Data" dName [ty]) = case ty of
-- The "Var" case is different
Var _ -> synthDictFromGiven dictTy
TabPi (TabPiType b eltTy) -> recurBinder (Abs b eltTy) >> success
DepPairTy (DepPairType b@(_:>l) r) -> do
DepPairTy (DepPairType _ b@(_:>l) r) -> do
recur l >> recurBinder (Abs b r) >> success
NewtypeTyCon LabelType -> notData
NewtypeTyCon nt -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3219,12 +3236,12 @@ buildTabPiInf hint ixTy body = do

:: EmitsInf n
=> NameHint -> CType n
=> NameHint -> DepPairExplicitness -> CType n
-> (forall l. (EmitsInf l, Ext n l) => CAtomName l -> InfererM i l (CType l))
-> InfererM i n (DepPairType CoreIR n)
buildDepPairTyInf hint ty body = do
buildDepPairTyInf hint expl ty body = do
Abs b resultTy <- buildAbsInf hint Explicit ty body
return $ DepPairType (withoutExpl b) resultTy
return $ DepPairType expl (withoutExpl b) resultTy

:: EmitsInf n
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/Lexing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ checkNotKeyword p = try $ do

data KeyWord = DefKW | ForKW | For_KW | RofKW | Rof_KW | CaseKW | OfKW
| DataKW | StructKW | InterfaceKW
| InstanceKW | GivenKW | SatisfyingKW
| InstanceKW | GivenKW | WithKW | SatisfyingKW
| IfKW | ThenKW | ElseKW | DoKW
| ImportKW | ForeignKW | NamedInstanceKW
| EffectKW | HandlerKW | JmpKW | CtlKW | ReturnKW | ResumeKW
Expand All @@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ keyWordToken = \case
InstanceKW -> "instance"
NamedInstanceKW -> "named-instance"
GivenKW -> "given"
WithKW -> "with"
SatisfyingKW -> "satisfying"
DoKW -> "do"
ImportKW -> "import"
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/PPrint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ instance Pretty (DictType n) where

instance IRRep r => Pretty (DepPairType r n) where pretty = prettyFromPrettyPrec
instance IRRep r => PrettyPrec (DepPairType r n) where
prettyPrec (DepPairType b rhs) =
prettyPrec (DepPairType _ b rhs) =
atPrec ArgPrec $ align $ group $ parens $ p b <+> "&>" <+> p rhs

instance Pretty (EffectOpType n) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,7 +656,8 @@ instance PrettyPrec (UTabPiExpr n) where

instance Pretty (UDepPairType n) where pretty = prettyFromPrettyPrec
instance PrettyPrec (UDepPairType n) where
prettyPrec (UDepPairType pat ty) = atPrec LowestPrec $ align $
-- TODO: print explicitness info
prettyPrec (UDepPairType _ pat ty) = atPrec LowestPrec $ align $
p pat <+> "&>" <+> pLowest ty

instance Pretty (UBlock' n) where
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/QueryType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ rawStrType :: IRRep r => EnvReader m => m n (Type r n)
rawStrType = liftEnvReaderM do
withFreshBinder "n" IdxRepTy \b -> do
tabTy <- rawFinTabType (Var $ binderName b) CharRepTy
return $ DepPairTy $ DepPairType b tabTy
return $ DepPairTy $ DepPairType ExplicitDepPair b tabTy

-- `n` argument is IdxRepVal, not Nat
rawFinTabType :: IRRep r => EnvReader m => Atom r n -> Atom r n -> m n (Type r n)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/Simplify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ getRepType ty = go ty where
RefType h a -> RefType <$> toDataAtomIgnoreReconAssumeNoDecls h <*> go a
TypeKind -> error $ notDataType
HeapType -> return $ HeapType
DepPairTy (DepPairType b@(_:>l) r) -> do
DepPairTy (DepPairType expl b@(_:>l) r) -> do
l' <- go l
withFreshBinder (getNameHint b) l' \b' -> do
x <- liftSimpAtom (sink l) (Var $ binderName b')
r' <- go =<< applySubst (b@>SubstVal x) r
return $ DepPairTy $ DepPairType b' r'
return $ DepPairTy $ DepPairType expl b' r'
TabPi (TabPiType (b:>ixTy) bodyTy) -> do
ixTy' <- simplifyIxType ixTy
withFreshBinder (getNameHint b) ixTy' \b' -> do
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/SourceRename.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ instance SourceRenamableE UExpr' where
UTabPi (UTabPiExpr pat body) ->
sourceRenameB pat \pat' ->
UTabPi <$> (UTabPiExpr pat' <$> sourceRenameE body)
UDepPairTy (UDepPairType pat body) ->
UDepPairTy (UDepPairType expl pat body) ->
sourceRenameB pat \pat' ->
UDepPairTy <$> (UDepPairType pat' <$> sourceRenameE body)
UDepPairTy <$> (UDepPairType expl pat' <$> sourceRenameE body)
UDepPair lhs rhs ->
UDepPair <$> sourceRenameE lhs <*> sourceRenameE rhs
UTabApp f x -> UTabApp <$> sourceRenameE f <*> mapM sourceRenameE x
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/Types/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ data CorePiType (n::S) where
CorePiType :: AppExplicitness -> CoreBinders n l -> EffectRow CoreIR l -> Type CoreIR l -> CorePiType n

data DepPairType (r::IR) (n::S) where
DepPairType :: Binder r n l -> Type r l -> DepPairType r n
DepPairType :: DepPairExplicitness -> Binder r n l -> Type r l -> DepPairType r n

data Projection =
UnwrapNewtype -- TODO: add `HasCore r` constraint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2009,10 +2009,10 @@ deriving via WrapE (PiType r) n instance IRRep r => Generic (PiType r n)
instance IRRep r => Store (PiType r n)

instance GenericE (DepPairType r) where
type RepE (DepPairType r) = Abs (Binder r) (Type r)
fromE (DepPairType b resultTy) = Abs b resultTy
type RepE (DepPairType r) = PairE (LiftE DepPairExplicitness) (Abs (Binder r) (Type r))
fromE (DepPairType expl b resultTy) = LiftE expl `PairE` Abs b resultTy
{-# INLINE fromE #-}
toE (Abs b resultTy) = DepPairType b resultTy
toE (LiftE expl `PairE` Abs b resultTy) = DepPairType expl b resultTy
{-# INLINE toE #-}

instance IRRep r => SinkableE (DepPairType r)
Expand Down

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