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Format TopLevel.hs.
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Added line breaks to keep TopLevel.hs to at most 80 characters per
line, because (i) that's Google style across all languages, and (ii)
80 characters is about the width I can get without wrapping when
trying to show two files with vertical split-screen on video calls and
have the code be even remotely legible on the other end.
  • Loading branch information
axch committed Oct 21, 2022
1 parent 6fbd206 commit ef500cc
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 59 deletions.
161 changes: 102 additions & 59 deletions src/lib/TopLevel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,15 +44,16 @@ import MTL1
import Logging
import PPrint (pprintCanonicalized)
import Util (measureSeconds, File (..), readFileWithHash)
import Serialize (HasPtrs (..), pprintVal, getDexString, takePtrSnapshot, restorePtrSnapshot)

import Serialize ( HasPtrs (..), pprintVal, getDexString
, takePtrSnapshot, restorePtrSnapshot)
import Name
import AbstractSyntax
import Syntax
import Core
import Types.Core
import Builder
import CheckType ( CheckableE (..), asFFIFunType, checkHasType, asSpecializableFunction)
import CheckType ( CheckableE (..), asFFIFunType, checkHasType
, asSpecializableFunction)
#ifdef DEX_DEBUG
import CheckType (checkTypesM)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ data TopperReaderData = TopperReaderData
, topperRuntimeEnv :: RuntimeEnv }

newtype TopperM (n::S) a = TopperM
{ runTopperM' :: TopBuilderT (ReaderT TopperReaderData (LoggerT [Output] IO)) n a }
{ runTopperM'
:: TopBuilderT (ReaderT TopperReaderData (LoggerT [Output] IO)) n a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadFail
, Fallible, EnvReader, ScopeReader, Catchable)

Expand All @@ -126,9 +128,10 @@ data TopStateEx where
data TopSerializedStateEx where
TopSerializedStateEx :: Distinct n => SerializedEnv n -> TopSerializedStateEx

runTopperM :: EvalConfig -> TopStateEx
-> (forall n. Mut n => TopperM n a)
-> IO (a, TopStateEx)
:: EvalConfig -> TopStateEx
-> (forall n. Mut n => TopperM n a)
-> IO (a, TopStateEx)
runTopperM opts (TopStateEx env rtEnv) cont = do
let maybeLogFile = logFile opts
(Abs frag (LiftE result), _) <- runLogger maybeLogFile \l -> runLoggerT l $
Expand All @@ -154,11 +157,16 @@ allocateDynamicVarKeyPtrs = do

-- ======

evalSourceBlockIO :: EvalConfig -> TopStateEx -> SourceBlock -> IO (Result, TopStateEx)
evalSourceBlockIO opts env block = runTopperM opts env $ evalSourceBlockRepl block
:: EvalConfig -> TopStateEx -> SourceBlock -> IO (Result, TopStateEx)
evalSourceBlockIO opts env block =
runTopperM opts env $ evalSourceBlockRepl block

-- Used for the top-level source file (rather than imported modules)
evalSourceText :: (Topper m, Mut n) => Text -> (SourceBlock -> IO ()) -> (Result -> IO Bool) -> m n [(SourceBlock, Result)]
:: (Topper m, Mut n)
=> Text -> (SourceBlock -> IO ()) -> (Result -> IO Bool)
-> m n [(SourceBlock, Result)]
evalSourceText source beginCallback endCallback = do
let (UModule mname deps sourceBlocks) = parseUModule Main source
mapM_ ensureModuleLoaded deps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,8 +211,8 @@ ensureModuleLoaded moduleSourceName = do
bindModule (umppName md) evaluated
{-# SCC ensureModuleLoaded #-}

evalSourceBlock :: (Topper m, Mut n)
=> ModuleSourceName -> SourceBlock -> m n Result
:: (Topper m, Mut n) => ModuleSourceName -> SourceBlock -> m n Result
evalSourceBlock mname block = do
result <- withCompileTime do
(maybeErr, logs) <- catchLogsAndErrs do
Expand All @@ -220,7 +228,8 @@ evalSourceBlock mname block = do
return $ filterLogs block $ addResultCtx block result
{-# SCC evalSourceBlock #-}

evalSourceBlock' :: (Topper m, Mut n) => ModuleSourceName -> SourceBlock -> m n ()
:: (Topper m, Mut n) => ModuleSourceName -> SourceBlock -> m n ()
evalSourceBlock' mname block = case sbContents block of
EvalUDecl decl -> execUDecl mname decl
Command cmd expr -> case cmd of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +265,8 @@ evalSourceBlock' mname block = case sbContents block of
-- TODO: query linking stuff and check the function is actually available
let hint = getNameHint b
vImp <- emitImpFunBinding hint $ FFIFunction impFunTy fname
vCore <- emitBinding hint (AtomNameBinding $ TopFunBound naryPiTy $ FFITopFun vImp)
vCore <- emitBinding hint
$ AtomNameBinding $ TopFunBound naryPiTy $ FFITopFun vImp
UBindSource sourceName <- return b
emitSourceMap $ SourceMap $
M.singleton sourceName [ModuleVar mname (Just $ UAtomVar vCore)]
Expand All @@ -266,7 +276,8 @@ evalSourceBlock' mname block = case sbContents block of
Just (UAtomVar fname') -> do
lookupCustomRules fname' >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> throw TypeErr $ pprint fname ++ " already has a custom linearization"
Just _ -> throw TypeErr
$ pprint fname ++ " already has a custom linearization"
-- We do some special casing to avoid instantiating polymorphic functions.
impl <- case expr of
WithSrcE _ (UVar _) ->
Expand All @@ -291,29 +302,34 @@ evalSourceBlock' mname block = case sbContents block of
Success () -> return ()
emitAtomRules fname' $ CustomLinearize nimplicit zeros impl
Just _ -> throw TypeErr $ "Custom linearization can only be defined for functions"
Just _ -> throw TypeErr
$ "Custom linearization can only be defined for functions"
getLinearizationType :: Type n -> RNest PiBinder n l
-> [Type l] -> Type l -> EnvReaderT FallibleM l (Int, Type n)
-> [Type l] -> Type l
-> EnvReaderT FallibleM l (Int, Type n)
getLinearizationType fullTy implicitArgs revArgTys = \case
Pi (PiType pbinder@(PiBinder binder a arr) eff b') -> do
unless (eff == Pure) $ throw TypeErr $
"Custom linearization can only be defined for pure functions" ++ but
let implicit = do
unless (null revArgTys) $ throw TypeErr $
"To define a custom linearization, all implicit and class arguments of " ++
"a function have to precede all explicit arguments. However, the " ++
"type of " ++ pprint fname ++ "is:\n\n" ++ pprint fullTy
"To define a custom linearization, all implicit and class " ++
"arguments of a function have to precede all explicit " ++
"arguments. However, the type of " ++ pprint fname ++
"is:\n\n" ++ pprint fullTy
refreshAbs (Abs pbinder b') \pbinder' b'' ->
getLinearizationType fullTy (RNest implicitArgs pbinder') [] b''
fullTy (RNest implicitArgs pbinder') [] b''
case arr of
ClassArrow -> implicit
ImplicitArrow -> implicit
PlainArrow -> do
b <- case hoist binder b' of
HoistSuccess b -> return b
HoistFailure _ -> throw TypeErr $
"Custom linearization cannot be defined for dependent functions" ++ but
"Custom linearization cannot be defined for dependent " ++
"functions" ++ but
getLinearizationType fullTy implicitArgs (a:revArgTys) b
LinArrow -> throw NotImplementedErr "Unexpected linear arrow"
resultTy -> do
Expand All @@ -333,25 +349,28 @@ evalSourceBlock' mname block = case sbContents block of
SymbolicZeros -> do
lookupSourceMap "SymbolicTangent" >>= \case
Nothing -> throw UnboundVarErr $
"Can't define a custom linearization with symbolic zeros: the " ++
"SymbolicTangent type is not in scope."
"Can't define a custom linearization with symbolic zeros: " ++
"the SymbolicTangent type is not in scope."
Just (UTyConVar symTanName) -> do
TyConBinding dataDefName _ <- lookupEnv symTanName
return \elTy -> TypeCon "SymbolicTangent" dataDefName $ DataDefParams [elTy] []
Just _ -> throw TypeErr "SymbolicTangent should name a `data` type"
return \elTy -> TypeCon "SymbolicTangent" dataDefName
$ DataDefParams [elTy] []
Just _ -> throw TypeErr
"SymbolicTangent should name a `data` type"
let prependTangent linTail ty =
maybeTangentType ty >>= \case
Just tty -> tangentWrapper tty --> linTail
Nothing -> throw TypeErr $ unlines
[ "The type of one of the arguments of " ++ pprint fname ++ " is:"
[ "The type of one of the arguments of " ++ pprint fname ++
" is:"
, ""
, " " ++ pprint ty
, ""
, "but it doesn't have a well-defined tangent space."
tanFunTy <- foldM prependTangent resultTyTan revArgTys
(nestLength $ unRNest implicitArgs,) . prependImplicit implicitArgs <$>
foldM (flip (-->)) (PairTy resultTy tanFunTy) revArgTys
(nestLength $ unRNest implicitArgs,) . prependImplicit implicitArgs
<$> foldM (flip (-->)) (PairTy resultTy tanFunTy) revArgTys
but = ", but " ++ pprint fname ++ " has type " ++ pprint fullTy
prependImplicit :: RNest PiBinder n l -> Type l -> Type n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,7 +432,8 @@ findDepsTransitively
:: forall m n. (Topper m, Mut n)
=> ModuleSourceName -> m n [UModulePartialParse]
findDepsTransitively initialModuleName = do
alreadyLoaded <- M.keysSet . fromLoadedModules <$> withEnv (envLoadedModules . topEnv)
alreadyLoaded <- M.keysSet . fromLoadedModules
<$> withEnv (envLoadedModules . topEnv)
flip evalStateT alreadyLoaded $ execWriterT $ go initialModuleName
go :: ModuleSourceName -> WriterT [UModulePartialParse]
Expand All @@ -432,8 +452,8 @@ findDepsTransitively initialModuleName = do
-- `evalPartiallyParsedUModuleCached`? We still want case-by-case control over
-- keys, eviction policy, etc. Maybe some a type class for caches that implement
-- query/extend, with `extend` being where the eviction happens?
parseUModuleDepsCached :: (Mut n, TopBuilder m)
=> ModuleSourceName -> File -> m n [ModuleSourceName]
:: (Mut n, TopBuilder m) => ModuleSourceName -> File -> m n [ModuleSourceName]
parseUModuleDepsCached Main file = return $ parseUModuleDeps Main file
parseUModuleDepsCached name file = do
cache <- parsedDeps <$> getCache
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,7 +487,8 @@ evalPartiallyParsedUModuleCached md@(UModulePartialParse name deps source) = do
_ -> do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Compiling " ++ pprint name
result <- evalPartiallyParsedUModule md
extendCache $ mempty { moduleEvaluations = M.singleton name (req, result) }
extendCache $ mempty {
moduleEvaluations = M.singleton name (req, result) }
return result

-- Assumes all module dependencies have been loaded already
Expand All @@ -483,10 +504,13 @@ evalPartiallyParsedUModule partiallyParsed = do
-- Assumes all module dependencies have been loaded already
evalUModule :: (Topper m ,Mut n) => UModule -> m n (Module n)
evalUModule (UModule name _ blocks) = do
Abs topFrag UnitE <- localTopBuilder $ mapM_ (evalSourceBlock' name) blocks >> return UnitE
Abs topFrag UnitE <-
localTopBuilder $ mapM_ (evalSourceBlock' name) blocks >> return UnitE
TopEnvFrag envFrag moduleEnvFrag <- return topFrag
ModuleEnv (ImportStatus directDeps transDeps) sm scs _ <- return $ fragLocalModuleEnv moduleEnvFrag
let fragToReEmit = TopEnvFrag envFrag $ moduleEnvFrag { fragLocalModuleEnv = mempty }
ModuleEnv (ImportStatus directDeps transDeps) sm scs _ <-
return $ fragLocalModuleEnv moduleEnvFrag
let fragToReEmit = TopEnvFrag envFrag $ moduleEnvFrag {
fragLocalModuleEnv = mempty }
let evaluatedModule = Module name directDeps transDeps sm scs
emitEnv $ Abs fragToReEmit evaluatedModule

Expand All @@ -496,7 +520,8 @@ importModule name = do
Nothing -> throw ModuleImportErr $ "Couldn't import " ++ pprint name
Just name' -> do
Module _ _ transImports' _ _ <- lookupModule name'
let importStatus = ImportStatus (S.singleton name') (S.singleton name' <> transImports')
let importStatus = ImportStatus (S.singleton name')
(S.singleton name' <> transImports')
emitLocalModuleEnv $ mempty { envImportStatus = importStatus }
{-# SCC importModule #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,10 +619,12 @@ evalRequiredSpecializations e = do
Just _ -> return ()
_ -> return ()

execUDecl :: (Topper m, Mut n) => ModuleSourceName -> UDecl VoidS VoidS -> m n ()
:: (Topper m, Mut n) => ModuleSourceName -> UDecl VoidS VoidS -> m n ()
execUDecl mname decl = do
logTop $ PassInfo Parse $ pprint decl
Abs renamedDecl sourceMap <- logPass RenamePass $ renameSourceNamesTopUDecl mname decl
Abs renamedDecl sourceMap <-
logPass RenamePass $ renameSourceNamesTopUDecl mname decl
inferenceResult <- checkPass TypePass $ inferTopUDecl renamedDecl sourceMap
case inferenceResult of
UDeclResultWorkRemaining block declAbs -> do
Expand All @@ -611,7 +638,8 @@ execUDecl mname decl = do
AtomNameBinding $ TopFunBound fty $ UnspecializedTopFun n result
-- warm up cache if it's already sufficiently specialized
-- (this is actually here as a workaround for some sort of
-- caching/linking bug that occurs when we deserialize compilation artifacts).
-- caching/linking bug that occurs when we deserialize compilation
-- artifacts).
when (n == 0) do
let s = AppSpecialization f (Abs Empty (ListE []))
fSpecial <- emitSpecialization s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,11 +674,13 @@ loadObject fname =
funVals <- forM funNames \name -> nativeFunPtr <$> loadObject name
ptrVals <- forM ptrNames \name -> snd <$> lookupPtrName name
dyvarStores <- getRuntimeEnv
f <- liftIO $ linkFunObjCode objCode dyvarStores $ LinktimeVals funVals ptrVals
f <- liftIO $ linkFunObjCode objCode dyvarStores
$ LinktimeVals funVals ptrVals
extendLoadedObjects fname f
return f

linkFunObjCode :: FunObjCode -> DynamicVarKeyPtrs -> LinktimeVals -> IO NativeFunction
:: FunObjCode -> DynamicVarKeyPtrs -> LinktimeVals -> IO NativeFunction
linkFunObjCode objCode dyvarStores (LinktimeVals funVals ptrVals) = do
let (WithCNameInterface code mainFunName reqFuns reqPtrs dtors) = objCode
let linkMap = zip reqFuns (map castFunPtrToPtr funVals)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,7 +718,8 @@ forceDeferredInlining v =
TopFunBound _ (UnspecializedTopFun _ f) -> return f
_ -> return $ Var v

toCFunction :: (Topper m, Mut n) => NameHint -> ImpFunction n -> m n (FunObjCodeName n)
:: (Topper m, Mut n) => NameHint -> ImpFunction n -> m n (FunObjCodeName n)
toCFunction nameHint impFun = do
logger <- getFilteredLogger
(closedImpFun, reqFuns, reqPtrNames) <- abstractLinktimeObjects impFun
Expand All @@ -705,8 +736,9 @@ evalLLVM :: (Topper m, Mut n) => IxDestBlock n -> m n (Atom n)
evalLLVM block = do
backend <- backendName <$> getConfig
logger <- getFilteredLogger
let (cc, _needsSync) = case backend of LLVMCUDA -> (EntryFun CUDARequired , True )
_ -> (EntryFun CUDANotRequired, False)
let (cc, _needsSync) =
case backend of LLVMCUDA -> (EntryFun CUDARequired , True )
_ -> (EntryFun CUDANotRequired, False)
ImpFunctionWithRecon impFun reconAtom <- checkPass ImpPass $
blockToImpFunction backend cc block
let IFunType _ _ resultTypes = impFunType impFun
Expand All @@ -716,13 +748,16 @@ evalLLVM block = do
reqDataPtrs <- forM reqPtrNames \v -> snd <$> lookupPtrName v
dyvarStores <- getRuntimeEnv
benchRequired <- requiresBench <$> getPassCtx
nativeFun <- liftIO $ linkFunObjCode obj dyvarStores $ LinktimeVals reqFunPtrs reqDataPtrs
resultVals <- liftIO $ callNativeFun nativeFun benchRequired logger [] resultTypes
nativeFun <- liftIO $ linkFunObjCode obj dyvarStores
$ LinktimeVals reqFunPtrs reqDataPtrs
resultVals <-
liftIO $ callNativeFun nativeFun benchRequired logger [] resultTypes
resultValsNoPtrs <- mapM litValToPointerlessAtom resultVals
applyNaryAbs reconAtom $ map SubstVal resultValsNoPtrs
{-# SCC evalLLVM #-}

compileToObjCode :: Topper m => WithCNameInterface LLVM.AST.Module -> m n FunObjCode
:: Topper m => WithCNameInterface LLVM.AST.Module -> m n FunObjCode
compileToObjCode astWithNames = forM astWithNames \ast -> do
logger <- getFilteredLogger
opt <- getLLVMOptLevel <$> getConfig
Expand All @@ -731,11 +766,13 @@ compileToObjCode astWithNames = forM astWithNames \ast -> do
impNameToPtr :: (Topper m, Mut n) => ImpFunName n -> m n (FunPtr ())
impNameToPtr v = nativeFunPtr <$> (loadObject =<< impNameToObj v)

impNameToObj :: (EnvReader m, Fallible1 m) => ImpFunName n -> m n (FunObjCodeName n)
:: (EnvReader m, Fallible1 m) => ImpFunName n -> m n (FunObjCodeName n)
impNameToObj v = do
queryObjCache v >>= \case
Just v' -> return v'
Nothing -> throw CompilerErr $ "Expected to find an object cache entry for: " ++ pprint v
Nothing -> throw CompilerErr
$ "Expected to find an object cache entry for: " ++ pprint v

evalBackend :: (Topper m, Mut n) => IxDestBlock n -> m n (Atom n)
evalBackend block = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,10 +822,12 @@ logPass passName cont = do
logTop $ PassInfo passName $ "=== " <> pprint passName <> " ==="
logTop $ MiscLog $ "Starting "++ pprint passName
result <- cont
{-# SCC logPassPrinting #-} logTop $ PassInfo passName $ "=== Result ===\n" <> pprint result
{-# SCC logPassPrinting #-} logTop $ PassInfo passName
$ "=== Result ===\n" <> pprint result
return result

loadModuleSource :: (MonadIO m, Fallible m) => EvalConfig -> ModuleSourceName -> m File
:: (MonadIO m, Fallible m) => EvalConfig -> ModuleSourceName -> m File
loadModuleSource config moduleName = do
fullPath <- case moduleName of
OrdinaryModule moduleName' -> findFullPath $ moduleName' ++ ".dx"
Expand All @@ -805,7 +844,8 @@ loadModuleSource config moduleName = do
Just fpath -> return fpath
Nothing -> throw ModuleImportErr $ unlines
[ "Couldn't find a source file for module " ++
(case moduleName of OrdinaryModule n -> n; Prelude -> "prelude"; Main -> error "")
(case moduleName of
OrdinaryModule n -> n; Prelude -> "prelude"; Main -> error "")
, "Hint: Consider extending --lib-path?"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -859,7 +899,8 @@ snapshotPtrs bindings =
b -> return b

:: Monad m => TopStateEx -> (forall c n. Binding c n -> m (Binding c n)) -> m TopStateEx
:: Monad m => TopStateEx
-> (forall c n. Binding c n -> m (Binding c n)) -> m TopStateEx
traverseBindingsTopStateEx (TopStateEx (Env tenv menv) dyvars) f = do
defs <- traverseSubstFrag f $ fromRecSubst $ envDefs tenv
return $ TopStateEx (Env (tenv {envDefs = RecSubst defs}) menv) dyvars
Expand All @@ -873,11 +914,13 @@ fromSerializedEnv (SerializedEnv defs rules cache) = do

toSerializedEnv :: MonadIO m => TopStateEx -> m TopSerializedStateEx
toSerializedEnv (TopStateEx (Env (TopEnv (RecSubst defs) (CustomRules rules) cache _ _) _) _) = do
collectGarbage (RecSubstFrag defs) ruleFreeVars cache \defsFrag'@(RecSubstFrag defs') cache' -> do
let liveNames = toNameSet $ toScopeFrag defsFrag'
let rules' = unsafeCoerceE $ CustomRules $ M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `isInNameSet` liveNames) rules
defs'' <- snapshotPtrs (RecSubst defs')
return $ TopSerializedStateEx $ SerializedEnv defs'' rules' cache'
collectGarbage (RecSubstFrag defs) ruleFreeVars cache
\defsFrag'@(RecSubstFrag defs') cache' -> do
let liveNames = toNameSet $ toScopeFrag defsFrag'
let rules' = unsafeCoerceE $ CustomRules
$ M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `isInNameSet` liveNames) rules
defs'' <- snapshotPtrs (RecSubst defs')
return $ TopSerializedStateEx $ SerializedEnv defs'' rules' cache'
ruleFreeVars v = case M.lookup v rules of
Nothing -> mempty
Expand Down

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