Twittering-mode enables you to twit on Emacsen.
- Activities on Twitter
- Viewing various timelines
- Friends' timeline
- Replies
- User's timeline
- Public timeline
- Posting tweets
- Direct message
- ReTweet
- Hash tag
- Signiture
- Following and removing users
- Marking tweets as favorites
- Viewing various timelines
- HTTP Proxy support
- Secure connection via HTTPS (cURL is required)
- GNU Emacs 21 (some restrictions)
- GNU Emacs 22, 23
- Y. Hayamizu
- naoya_t
- Tsuyoshi CHO
- Alberto Garcia
- Satoshi Yatagawa
- 高山智也
- 松尾(cvmat)
- 青田(naota)
- Jaemok Jeong(jmjeong)
- Thomas Danckaert
- IMAI Toshiyuki