Sandbox for vue testing
Nuxt.js is a Vue framework for scaffolding project architecture
yarn create nuxt-app [project-name]
Add the repository name to the subfolder package.json file. Ex:
"repository": "",
Note: If you receive this error when trying to commit: "does not have a commit checked out", delete the .git located within your newly created subfolder.
Vue CLI is a Vue tool for creating a new project
If you don't have the Vue CLI installed:
yarn global add @vue/cli
To start a new project
vue create [project-name]
# OR
vue ui
- Utilizes Vue3 and the base @vue/cli setup
- Utilizes Vue2's basic
$ vue create hello-world
project and default features (Babel + Eslint)
- Utilizes Vue2, Vue CLI, and custom features
- Babel, Eslint + Prettier, router, Sass/SCSS dart-sass
- Utilizes Vue2
- Storybook
- Nuxt.js
- Language: JS
- UI Framework: n/a
- Modules: n/a
- Linting: ESLint, Prettier
- Testing: Jest
- Rendering: Universal (SSR / SSG)
- Deployment: Server (Node.js hosting)
- Development Tools: jsconfig.json, Dependabot
- Continuous Integration: Github Actions
- Version Control System: Git
- Same as vue-2 setup
- Plus Storybook
- Utilizes Vue2
- Nuxt.js
- Language: JS
- UI Framework: Vuesax
- Modules: n/a
- Linting: ESLint, Prettier
- Testing: Jest
- Rendering: Universal (SSR / SSG)
- Deployment: Server (Node.js hosting)
- Development Tools: jsconfig.json, Dependabot
- Continuous Integration: Github Actions
- Version Control System: Git
- Utilizes Vue2
- Nuxt.js
- Language: JS
- UI Framework: Vuetify
- Modules: n/a
- Linting: ESLint, Prettier
- Testing: Jest
- Rendering: Universal (SSR / SSG)
- Deployment: Server (Node.js hosting)
- Development Tools: jsconfig.json, Dependabot
- Continuous Integration: Github Actions
- Version Control System: Git