An implementation of a coin flipper as suggested by...
Coin Flip Simulation - Write some code that simulates flipping a single coin however many times the user decides. The code should record the outcomes and count the number of tails and heads.
...with influences from:
- the (excellent) Architecture Patterns with Python book
- Onion Architecture
- Hexagonal / Ports and Adapters Architecture
- Clean Architecture
Given a simple domain (coin flip), apply principles of TDD, DDD, and the above architectures.
- Domain Model
- Event-Driven Architecture
- Coin Flipper REST API
- Database Integration (Repository Pattern)
- 100% Test Coverage
The app can be initiated with the provided:
Once the API is up and running, swagger docs can be accessed from:
- paginated api results
- proper CQRS
- docker
- logger decorator
- https
- http basic auth
- Coin Flipper CLI (typer? golang?)