It requires nvim-treesitter
Make sure you have the java parser installed. Use :TSInstall java
Plug 'rcasia/neotest-java'
LazyVim distro:
return {
init = function()
-- override the default keymaps.
-- needed until neotest-java is integrated in LazyVim
local keys = require("lazyvim.plugins.lsp.keymaps").get()
-- run test file
keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tt", function() require("neotest")"%")) end, mode = "n" }
-- run nearest test
keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tr", function() require("neotest") end, mode = "n" }
-- debug test file
keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>tD", function() require("neotest"){ strategy = "dap" }) end, mode = "n" }
-- debug nearest test
keys[#keys + 1] = {"<leader>td", function() require("neotest"){ vim.fn.expand("%"), strategy = "dap" }) end, mode = "n" }
dependencies = {
opts = {
adapters = {
["neotest-java"] = {
-- config here
- Run
:NeotestJava setup
It will download the JUnit standalone jar from and place it in the default directory
adapters = {
ignore_wrapper = false, -- whether to ignore maven/gradle wrapper
junit_jar = nil,
-- default: .local/share/nvim/neotest-java/junit-platform-console-standalone-[version].jar
Feel free to contribute to this project by creating issues for bug reports, feature requests, or suggestions.
You can also submit pull requests for any enhancements, bug fixes, or new features.
Your contributions are greatly appreciated. See
- Does not support multimodule projects yet rcasia#100