A tool which allow you to modify the AAB file
Disable your antivirus and windows defender
Requirement - python 3.6+ , java 8 & .NET Framework 3.1
Dont use space and any type of symbol in your name apk , aab , keystore & OutPut folder name
apk to aab
Your apk and OutPut folder does not contain any type of symbol and space in name
Your apk should to be working
Be sure your apk is not corrupted
aab to apk
Your aab and OutPut folder and directory does not contain any type of symbol and space in name
sign aab file
Your aab ,key store , OutPut folder & directory does not contain any type of symbol and space in name
Your OutPut folder should be emtpy or it does not contain any aab file with name of "YourAAB.aab"
Be sure you input Correct password otherwise it won't work