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Engram v2: The official BYOU-CIEA-GXJK / LDWV-RMFP-RMFP layout

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@binarybottle binarybottle released this 18 Dec 23:42
· 27 commits to master since this release

Engram v2.0 (“Engram”) is a key layout optimized for comfortable and efficient touch typing in English created by Arno Klein, with open source code to create other optimized key layouts (see Letters are optimally arranged according to ergonomics factors that promote reduction of lateral finger movements and more efficient typing of high-frequency letter pairs. The most common punctuation marks are logically grouped together in the middle columns and numbers are paired with mathematical and logic symbols (shown as pairs of default and Shift-key-accessed characters).

 [{ 1| 2= 3~ 4+  5<  6>  7^ 8& 9% 0* ]} /\
    bB yY oO uU  '(  ")  lL dD wW vV zZ #$ @`
    cC iI eE aA  ,;  .:  hH tT sS nN qQ 
    gG xX jJ kK  -_  ?!  rR mM fF pP