The Box integration with Spring Boot
To Call Box API using client_credentials Token
Listen Box events using WebHooks
- Login to Developer console and click on My Apps on left side navigation
- Create New App of type 'Custom App' with Authentication Method "Server Authentication (Client Credentials Grant)", provide name of your choice
- From Configuration Tab of created app, make a note of client id and secret, we will need it in Spring Boot configuration (you might need to setup 2-step verification to fetch client secret, it can be setup from Developer Account Settings )
- From App Access Level, select "App + Enterprise Access"
- From Application scopes, select
- On Webhooks tab,
- Generate primary key and secondary key - This will be required to check authenticity of Webhook events received on SpringBoot REST service
- Create folder using api and share that folder with in your company so that actual user can add/delete files from that folder
- Get Access Token - Post client_id, client_secret, grant_type, box_subject_id, box_subject_type to You can find enterpise id from Billing and Account page, use that as box_subject_id. I have used PostMan for all this setup.
- Create folder - Post following payload to with Authorization header as Bearer from earlier call. If its successful note folder id, we will need it on following call
- Check folder items to verify folder created successfully - Invoke GET call to , you should see details of folder if its created successfully
- Get Access Token - Post client_id, client_secret, grant_type, box_subject_id, box_subject_type to You can find enterpise id from Billing and Account page, use that as box_subject_id. I have used PostMan for all this setup.
- Login to Admin Console
- Goto Content Menu
- Expand your application and select the folder that you have just created on above step
- From Collaborator Section, select "Invite People and provide their details and permission as Editor"
- Invitee should be able to see this folder and should be able to upload files into it now
- Update com.bkakadiya.example.boxpoc.controller.BoxController with primarykey and secondoryKey that you have got from above step 6 of setup
* TODO: For production code, Get it from Secure place
private final String primaryKey = "aaaaaa"; // primary key from webhook setup
private final String secondaryKey = "bbbbb"; // secondary key from webhook setup
- Update to have correct folder id that you have created via api
private static final String BOX_FILE_UPLOAD_PAYLOAD = "{\"name\":\"___FILENAME__\", \"parent\":{\"id\":\"<FolderId>\"}}";
//update <FolderId> on above line
- Update com.bkakadiya.example.boxpoc.util.BoxUtility with your enterprise id and your application's client_id and secret, this will be same as we used on step 7 of setup
//TODO: GET CLIENT ID, SECRET, ENTERPRISE ID FROM Secure Vault based on user id
MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
- Run Spring Boot app BoxPocApplication
- You should be able to see swagger document page on localhost
- Install NGRok if you not have not installed and expose port 8080. needs public facing url to post the events
ngrok http 8080
- Note that https url and update it in to step 6 of setup of above section
- Use Access token from step 7 of setup and hit web hook creation api using below sample payload (update your folder id)
"target": {
"id": "<your folder id>",
"type": "folder"
"address": "https://<ngrok https address >/api/v1/doc-requests",
"triggers": [
Http Response should be 201 for successful webhook creation
At this stage we have all required steps in place to test the integration
- Goto Swagger document page and expand my-application-controller POST endpoint
- Try it with any source name and sample file
- If you see response code as 201, file should have been uploaded on your server (check under files folder) and should have replicated on shared folder
- Goto shared folder via web console and upload a file
- This will invoke /api/v1/doc-requests endpoint on our server with trigger event details
- Sample code fetches fildId from event and then hits to get actual file contents
- If everything is fine, you should be able to see that file under "files" folder of application
- When file is uploaded via our REST service and replicated on, webhook is initiating event, as of now code is checking only file name but we need a better check to ensure that this is not a round trip request
- authentication related information needs to be fetched from secure vault, as of now its hard coded in app