- Java 17
- Make
- Maven
- Docker
How to run:
make up
- Spring Boot application will be on port 8080
- MongoExpress on port 8081
- RabbitMQ Management on port 15672
- MinIO on port 9001
User Stories:
As a user, I want to register a product with its owner, so that I can access its data in the future (title, description, price, category, owner ID).
As a user, I want to register a category with its owner, so that I can access its data in the future (title, description, owner ID).
As a user, I want to associate a product with a category.
As a user, I want to update the data of a product or category.
As a user, I want to delete a product or category from my catalog.
A product can only be associated with one category at a time.
Assume that products and categories belong only to one owner.
Keep in mind that this is an online product catalog, which means there will be multiple requests for editing items/categories per second, as well as accessing the catalog search endpoint.
Consider the product catalog as a JSON compilation of all available categories and items owned by a user. This way, the catalog search endpoint does not need to fetch information from the database.
Whenever there is a change in the product catalog, publish this change to the "catalog-emit" topic in the AWS SQS service.
Implement a consumer that listens to catalog changes for a specific owner.
When the consumer receives a message, search the database for that owner's catalog, generate the catalog JSON, and publish it to an AWS S3 service bucket.
Tecnologies used:
MongoDB for the database.
RabbitMQ for the catalog change notifications.
MinIO for storing the catalog JSON.
Spring Boot for the backend.
Diagram representing the final structure of the project: